All the invoices will get listed here and by default the date range will be selected as 365 days back in time starting from the current date and the default state will be set as ‘Unpaid’.
For each invoice, when the list card is expanded, the user will get to see two CTAs, ‘VIEW PDF’ and ‘PAY NOW’.
‘VIEW PDF’ will open-up the invoice as in a PDF view whereas the ‘PAY NOW’ will take the user to the ‘Payment Confirm’ screen from which the user can initiate the payment of the selected invoice.
A receipt is a written acknowledgment that something of value has been transferred from one party to another.
In this section all the receipts that belongs to a certain user will get listed here.
By default the date range will be selected as 365 days back in time starting from the current date.
For each invoice, the user will be able to open them and view the inner details.
When no transactions are available to show, the empty state will be,