Changes in (TP45452 / 2023.XXXX)
Base information tab
Basic information about the class
Booked by
Start and end time
Internal message
External message
Shown to customers
Number of participants
Number of drop-ins
Booking labels
Participants tab
A list of the participants of the class.
Badge “Arrived”
When a participant has arrived, that is indicated with the green badge.
Beginner badge
Indicate on the participant tab if a participant is new to the class (for example “Spinning intense”, or new to the whole product group (for example “Spinning”). That way, the instructor can offer extra help.
The logic of Beginner Badge
If person visilted less then classesToAttendToNoLongerBeABeginner (X) classes from the group - the badge Beginner (group) is added. If person visited more or equal then X classes in group but less then X for Class - then badge Beginner (class) is added. If person visited more or equal to X classes for the class - then no badges are added.
Setting “classesToAttendToNoLongerBeABeginner” - Classes Person has to visit, to no longer be a beginner. Default 1
Setting “TEMP_TOGGLE_BeginnerStateForGroupActivity” - toggle the feature. Default TRUE. BRP staff only.
Waiting list tab
Starting in (TP45452 / 2023.XXXX), there is a column for position on the waiting list tab, so you can tell who is next in line if a participant would cancel.
Noshow tab
Starting in (TP45452 / 2023.XXXX), there is a noshow tab on the class card, where you can process the noshows only for this specific class.