Note |
This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate. |
Instructors can create substitute requests for classes that they are managing if they for example get sick, or other circumstances make it impossible for them to perform the class. The request goes out to all other staff who is added as resource requirement on the class product, excluding those who are not on the same facility as the booking.
Info |
ℹ️ This functionality is only available in the premium level of the app. |
The following settings and rights must be set for staff to be able to manage substitute requests in Staff Center to make it work according to desired behaviour.
Setting | Description |
Hours after which substitute requirements are not allowed | Decides how many hours before the class the staff should no longer be allowed to send a substitute request from the app. Example: If the value is set to 24, staff will not be able to send a substitute request for a class that begins in less than 24 hours. |
Default channel for substitute requests | Specifies the channel to be used when sending substitute requests to instructors. This setting can be set to one of the following:
Time for warning e-mail for unfilled required substitute slots (substituteRequirementTimeOutMailHours) | Decides how many hours before the class the administrator should get an e-mail if no one has accepted a substitute request. |
Send substitute requests from (sendSubstituteRequestsFrom) | Specifies which email address should be used when sending substitute requests. Choose between the user’s email or the facility email. We recommend to use the facility email. |
Right | Description |
Substitute management - Create substitute requirements for own bookings SE: Vikariehantering - Skapa vikarieförfrågningar för egna bokningar | Needs to be added to the role of the instructors |
Message Templates
Info |
Push notifications is an addon and has to be configured by BRP staff to work. Contact us if you aren’t already using it and want to get started. |
Template | Description |
Substitute inquiry | E-mail, request which is sent to all other staff who are connected to the resource requirement of the specific product, excluding those who are not on the same facility as the booking. |
Substitute inquiry via SMS SE: Vikarieförfrågan SMS | SMS, request which is sent to all other staff who are connected to the resource requirement of the specific product, excluding those who are not on the same facility as the booking. |
Substitute inquiry via notification SE: Vikarieförfrågan via notifiering | Push notification, request which is sent to all other staff who are connected to the resource requirement of the specific product, excluding those who are not on the same facility as the booking. |
Substitute - Confirmation e-mail to substitute when slot is assigned | E-mail, sent to the substitute accepting the request. |
Substitute - E-mail to orderer & original instructor when slot assigned SE: Vikariebehov - Mail till beställare och ursprunglig resurs när vikariebehovet tillsatts | E-mail, sent to the orderer and original instructor of the class when someone accepts the request. |
Substitute - E-mail to the instructor when no substitute was found | E-mail, sent to the orderer and originial instructor if everyone denied the substitute request. |
Substitute - E-mail when substitute hasn't been assigned before time limit | E-mail, sent to the administrator (orderer of the class) if no one accepted the request and the time point for when automatic reminders should be sent out has been reached. See setting above for this. |