%accrualamountexvat% – Amount for separate reporting, excluding VAT
%accrualamountincvat% – Amount for separate reporting, including VAT
%accrualvatamount% – VAT amount for separate reporting
%accrualvat% – VAT rate for separate reporting
Send booking reminder:
Reminder sent to customers who booked this product.
See Price for more information.
Resource Requirement tab
Resource type
Select from the previously registered resource types.
Capacity type
Specify the capacity type to which the limitation applies—for example, the number of seats or beds.
Indicates how many slots of the selected capacity are to be booked. If this field is left blank, the number of slots from the booking is used. If a value is entered, that value is used—meaning only one instance of this service can be booked at a time.
May split resource
This field can only be selected if a Capacity Type has been specified. Check this box if multiple bookings are allowed to share a resource—e.g., a lunch venue can accept multiple lunch bookings at the same time, so long as the total capacity is not exceeded.
Conversely, if you have a meeting room with 20 seats and don’t want one group to occupy 16 and another 4 simultaneously, do not check this box. If it is unchecked, the system primarily uses the capacity value to ensure you do not exceed the room’s limit.
Fixed Start Time
The resource is booked starting at a specified time, regardless of the time selected in the booking schedule. This might be used, for instance, for room bookings or full-day bookings.
Relative Start Time
The booking begins at the start time selected in the booking schedule. You can also specify an offset from the marked start time. For example, if you have a treatment where the first 30 minutes require one therapist and after that, an additional resource is needed, you can set the second resource requirement to have a Relative Start Time of 00:30.
Dynamic Length
The booking can last any length of time. The person making the booking can select the duration by marking an interval in the booking schedule.
Fixed End Time
The resource is booked until a specified time, regardless of the time span chosen. Often used with Fixed Start Time for room reservations or checkout times.
Fixed Length
The booking duration is predetermined, and the resource is always booked for that length from the start time. The start time can be either fixed or dynamic.
Example: If you set “Tennis Court” to a duration of 1 hour, it cannot be booked for 2 hours in a single booking—two separate 1-hour bookings are required. For group activities, this is where you set the class length (e.g., a 1-hour spinning class).
Resource Labels
Resource labels are useful for products where the resource requirement can only be fulfilled by certain resources. If you have a large number of “individual resources,” you can use labels to simplify. Enter here the resource label that meets the product’s resource requirement.
Using resource labels is not meaningful if you’re using “All Resources of Selected Type,” because that automatically includes all resources of that type.
All Resources of Selected Type
If all resources of the chosen resource type can be booked, check this box.
Example: A product “Tennis 1 Hour” of product type “Service” has a resource requirement “Training Room.” If “Tennis 1 Hour” can be booked in all training rooms, check this box. If some training rooms are for weight training only, and you don’t want them used for tennis, uncheck the box and either specify the individual resources that can be booked (e.g., only the tennis courts) or use a resource label for tennis courts.
Individual Resources
If “All Resources of Selected Type” is not checked, you must specify each resource to be bookable for this product. Click the pencil/paper icon to add or remove resources. These resources then display the product as a product competence.
Dynamic Resource Requirement
If a user has the right “Classes - Plan classes without setting resource” (which can only be assigned by BRP staff because group activities without resource requirements can affect app/web, custom integrations, and Big Query data), you can create dynamic resource requirements. This means additional resources are needed as more participants sign up for a class.
Required after participant threshold
These resources only become necessary after the specified threshold. For example, if the threshold is 4, you don’t need that extra resource until the 5th participant signs up.Adds capacity
If this is set to 6, then booking one of these extra resources allows up to 10 total participants (4 + 6), two extra resources allow up to 16, and so on.
Price dependency
If you set a resource requirement to be price-dependent, you can assign different prices depending on which resource is booked. This is only relevant for services.
On the Price tab, you can select a particular resource and set the price for that resource. For example, a single product called “Conference All Day” might have one price in the “Small Conference Room” and another price in the “Large Conference Room.”
Selectable on the Internet
Used only if you offer online booking. Check this box if the customer should be able to select which resource is booked. Commonly used for SPA services, where the customer can choose a specific therapist.
Resource name on the Internet
Used only for online booking. Practically speaking, this allows you to name the resource requirement so that if the customer can choose a resource, they know it refers to, for example, a therapist in the resource selector.
Automatically show selected resource on booking confirmation
If this box is checked, the resource is automatically displayed for online bookings even if the customer chooses “Select resource for me.” It also means such bookings are automatically marked as non-movable.
Booking interval
If the resource is available (according to work shifts or a schedule) from 09:00, and you set a Booking Interval of 01:00, then services can only be booked at 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, etc. Start times that deviate from the interval are not allowed. The purpose is to avoid short gaps between service bookings that can’t be used for other bookings.
By default, this setting only applies to online bookings. If the parameter “Book only according to time interval” is enabled, the chosen time interval applies to all bookings, including those made directly in BRP.
Use furniture arrangement
This field is displayed only if setting “Use seating plan on service bookings” is enabled.
Media tab
Main image:
Choose an image for the product which will be displayed in the web and app.