The person who holds the order on which the class is planned is in the majority of cases a staff member who is planning the class, but there are also cases where classes are created for a specific customer, for example an organization, who then owns the order.
Who pay | Participant pays | Do not Debit |
Participantans | True | False |
Person who plans the class and participants | False | False |
No one | - | True |
Price lists
A class can have multiple price lists on it. There should be full price for the participants without subscription and some lists with different prices depending on customer’s subscription.
Paid participants will not be punished for not attending a class, not by increasing the noshow counter and not buy directly adding fees to the customer account.
Currently, we can't retrieve the actual paid amount for the group activity booking, as we delete the group activity booking when creating the No-show.
To check the paid amount, we recalculate it when processing the No-show. However, if the customer changes the prices later (for example, the price was 100 when it was sold, but now it’s 0), users who shouldn’t receive warnings might get them, and vice versa. (TP63253)
Book paid class free of charge with active entry