Which facilities the person has access to in BRP.
Which reports the person has access to.
Q: How often are data refreshed in Embedded BI?
A: Sync happens once every day during the night. This means that if you access a report in the morning you should have data up until and including yesterday.
Q: How does date selection and KPI objects work in Embedded BI?
A: KPI (Key performance indicators) are objects used throughout the reports in Embedded BI that displays one number, usually displayed as large text to the left in the object. See below example where we see the KPI “Visits”. Depending on how we make date selections this number will change accordingly.
In below example year month has been set to October 2024 (2024-10). The large number to the left in the KPI object displays 13, this is the number of visits for October 2024. The smaller raised number to the right (6) displays number of visits the same period but last year. In the “Center report” you will see how dates are selected current period vs previous period (see object to the right below).
In below example you can see how dates are selected when choosing last seven days in the dimension “Show period”.
Please note! that this logic applies throughout the reports in terms of measures and measures last year (LY).
Q: How is membership in BI counted?
A: There are settings in BRP that determines which facility a member belongs to. A member always belongs to one facility even though the person potentially can access multiple facilities depending on type of subscription. A persons affiliation to facility is determined by the persons most recent subscription (if the subscription gives membership). If setting “moveFacilitiesForAllSubscriptions” is used, it will move persons to facility of most recent subscription regardless of if it gives membership or not.
Q: Is there a difference between subscription statistics in BRP Cloud and Member statistics in Embedded BI?
Yes there is. You cannot fully compare for example outgoing balance of subscriptions in BRP with outgoing balance of members. In BI Membership report, to be counted as a member in any facility, the products must have the “membershipstatistics” column enabled (set as 1). Please note that even if you compare individual subscriptions where the “membershipstatistics” is enabled we can still see differences in statistics due to how IB/OB members are calculated in Embedded BI. Please see details here: https://brpsystems.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOK22/pages/4604362766/BI+-+Measures#Members
If for example a person freezes his/her subscription the person will not be included in members statistics in BI but still included in Subscription statistics in BRP.
Q: What is included in sales?