(TP46792 / 2022.3303)
Ask BRP to enable the Fortnox integration for your company. This will enable the “Connect to Fortnox” button.
Connect company to Fortnox (User)
Once these setups has been done open CompanySOV and the button “Connect to Fortnox” will be visible in Configuration > Companies >#Company name#
When the button “Connect to Fortnox” is clicked, another tab will open and will redirect to the Fortnox portal.
The "Authorization-Token" is only valid for 10 minutes.
Login with the user account (user should have a Fortnox account).
Accept the BRP Systems connection which required certain permissions.
Once the user accepts the browser will be redirected back to BRP Cloud.
E-mail notice:
If a voucher can’t be exported to Fortnox for any reason, an e-mail is sent to Recipient of info e-mails in BRP. Here are some common error codes and how to fix them.
"Voucher creating process failed with error : {"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Kostnadsst\u00e4lle \u00e4r obligatoriskt p\u00e5 konto: 1930","code":2000946}}"
- You have a rule in Fortnox that the account has to have a "kostnadsställe" in order for an account row to be created. Remove this rule and you can export the voucher. If you choose to have the rule: Go to ..backoffice/accounting-order. Select the voucher that can't be exported and "Mark as exported". Then take out a PDF-report of the voucher/journal and enter it manually in Fortnox. Make sure all your configuration in BRP corresponds to above rule.
“Voucher creating process failed with error : {"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Angivet kostnadsst\u00e4lle "UND" \u00e4r inte aktivt.","code":2002821}}”
- You are sending a voucher from BRP that contains "kostnadsställe" that exists in Fortnox, but is not active. Login to fortnox and make sure it is active for the financial year the voucher corresponds to.
“Voucher creating process failed with error : {"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Angivet kostnadsst\u00e4lle \"36\" existerar inte.","code":2000548}}”
- The voucher from BRP contains a "kostnadsställe" that doesn't exist in Fortnox. Login to fortnox and create it. If you don't want to use it in Fortnox, then go to ..backoffice/accounting-order. Select the voucher that can't be exported and "Mark as exported". Then take out a PDF-report of the voucher/journal and enter it manually in Fortnox. Make sure the "Kostnadsställe" is not used in BRP afterwards by checking the accounting configuration for products, payment methods and stock transactions.
"Voucher creating process failed with error : {"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Verifikationsserien \u00e4r inte manuell (F).","code":2001940}}"
- The voucher series does not allow for manual accounting. This also denies BRP integration to post vouchers. Login to Fortnox and go to settings for the series and make sure it allows for manual accounting.
"Voucher creating process failed with error : {"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Konto 4903 saknas i kontoplanen.","code":2001798}}"
- The voucher contains an account that you don't have setup in Fortnox. Add the account in Fortnox. If the account used in BRP is not an account you want in Fortnox then Go to ..backoffice/accounting-order. Select the voucher that can't be exported and "Mark as exported". Then take out a PDF-report of the voucher/journal and enter it manually in Fortnox. Make sure the account is not used in BRP afterwards by checking the accounting configuration for products, payment methods and stock transactions.