All general texts such as opening hours, booking rules, terms and conditions for purchases and so on, are message templates in BRP.
Note that from the filter on this setting-page you can select all available message templates, but being able to search for it with the filter, doesn’t mean the template is created, make sure you use the “Search” button after filtering to make sure you actually see if you have the template or not.
Configuration > Settings > Settings
Some templates only show up in the App and on the Web if a settings is activated.
Message Template = Terms and conditions for internet bookings / Villkor för internetbokning
requireAcceptBookingTerms = true
Message templates - Information
App - Info button at the bottom.
Web - When booking classes, click “Booking Information” in the upper right area.
Configuration > Settings > Messages
Name = This chooses what type of message template it is.
Opening hours / Öppettider
Info page for mobile applications / Infosida i mobilapplikation (also used in app generation 2)
Terms and conditions for internet bookings / Villkor för internetbokning
Terms and conditions for cancellation of booking / Villkor för avbokning
Terms and conditions for waiting list / Villkor för reservlista
Terms and conditions for no-show / Villkor för no-show
Internet = Choose where you want this message template to be shown.
Show on customer web
Show in app
Facility = If you want it to show up for a specific facility only, a customer has to belong to that facility in order to view the information.
Company = If you want it to show up for a specific company only, a customer has to belong to that company in order to view the information.
Language = If you want translations or different texts for different languages.
Subject line = This can be left empty as we use static headers for the App and Web which cannot be changed at this time.
Template = The contents of the information (plain text & HTML can be used.)
You can create multiple message templates for the same section, depending on language and facility. For example, you can have different opening hours for different facilities, and present them differently depending on the language set on the phone.
The templates can be plain text or HTML (for rich formatting)
You do not need to start the message template with <html>
Simply type out HTML-tags such as <h1> <h2> <h3> <b> <u> <i>
This site has information about easy HTML-tags
Message templates - Terms and Conditions & Other
These mostly show up when trying to purchase something, while entering your personal details and confirming the terms and conditions before making a purchase.
Name of template | Function | Configuration > Settings > Settings |
EN - Terms of agreement and conditions for registration SV - Avtalsvillkor för registrering | Terms and conditions for signing up a new member, their personal information and data, membership terms. |
EN - Consent to registration of child's personal details SV - Samtycke vid registrering av barns personuppgifter | Terms and conditions for the parent to sign when a child wishes to sign up. |
EN - Order confirmation SV - Beställningsbekräftelse | The written information that gets sent to the customer as a confirmation of their order. |
EN - Subscription terms and conditions SV - Abonnemangsvillkor | Terms and conditions for making a purchase, these are required by your internet payment provider. | requireAcceptSubscriptionTerms = true alwaysRequireAcceptSubscriptionTerms = true (Required by payment provider) |
EN - Cookie policy SV - Cookiepolicy | The Cookie Policy pops up on the Web the first time a customer visits the site. |
SV - Internetbokning - Ansvarsfriskrivning |
Custom Terms and Conditions
You can create your very own terms and conditions that customers have to agree to when going through the purchase flow in the App and Web.
Configuration > Persons > Consent