Upload Profile Image

Upload Profile Image

Available from GA 2024.11 - API-server required



This feature allows users to add, change or remove their profile image. By allowing your members to manage their own profile image, you will reduce the amount of time needed to make sure their profile images are up to date. This is important to make sure the correct person is gaining access to your facilities.

When a user changes their profile image, you (or the assigned administrator) will have to approve the image before it is changed.



BRP Configuration → Settings → Settings






If this setting is set to Yes, the user will be able to add their own profile image in the app.


If this setting is set to Yes, the user will be able to delete their own profile image from the app


The amount of days where the user are not allowed to change their profile image, after a profile image has been approved.

Leave this blank if there should be no restriction about this.


If this setting is set to “Yes”, users without any profile images will not be able to book themself on classes.


If this setting is set to “Yes”, users without any profile images will not be able to enter the facility.

Message Templates

BRP Configuration → Settings → Messages

Add the following message templates:





Email for approved profile image

Email sent to the user if their image was approved.

Email for rejected profile image

Email sent to the user if their image was rejected.

Notification when entry is denied without a profile image

Push notification sent to the user if the entry was denied because they are missing a profile image.

Push notification for approved profile image

Push notification sent to the user if their image was approved.

Push notification for rejected profile image

Push notification sent to the user if their image was rejected.

Terms and conditions for updating profile image

The terms and conditions the user should read and accept, before allowing them to upload a profile picture.

Automatic follow-up point

There is a follow-up point to automatically inform users with a missing profile image to use the app to upload one. Read more here.


BRP Configuration → Staff and resources → Roles

Add the following right to the role of the staff who should be able to view and approve/reject profile image requests submitted by your members:

  • Person - Approve profile image

User flow in the app

Open the menu and navigate to your Personal Data, you can tap on your image or the menu.

Tap on the image directly or click edit first and then the image, you will then be guided through the steps to choose a new image. You can either select an image from the gallery or take a new one with the device camera. The user will be informed that a review process will verify the image before it is updated in the app.

Approving or Rejecting images

BRP Back Office → Admittance → Approve profile images

In this view you will see a list of all profile image requests that needs approval. You will be able to see both the current profile image, as well as the new one.

  1. After reviewing the image, click on either Approve or Reject.

  2. An email and/or push notification will be sent to the member with information regarding the approval or rejection, according to the message templates found at the top of this page.


Profile images widget


If customers are allowed to upload their own profile images in the mobility app, the dashboard widget "Unapproved profile images" shows the number of images that has not yet been processed. By clicking the “View” link in the widget, the staff user can approve or reject the new profile images.

The widget is available on a facility, company and system level.



Error messages

Message on explore-page for user that they need to upload an image before their entrance ticket will be usable.
If user has no image but needs one to book. (OPTIONAL)

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