Person control

Person control


This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.

Staff can search for customers and see if they have valid subscriptions and booked activities.


The following settings, configuration and rights must be configured.

General settings





Activate the premium app and customerweb features


This settings needs to be activated by BRP Staff

Staff mode in Mobility app


Staff rights & configuration





App staff mode - Person control

SE: Personalläge för app – Personkontroll

The staff must have this right on their role.

Control if a person is a paying member

If more than one person has the same SSN or mobile phone number, you will get one of them and not be presented with a list of all the matching persons.

staff center.jpg
In the Go Active app, you can as a staff with rights to staff functionality in the app, choose to enter the “Staff center”.


staff person 0.jpg
To search for a person, choose the “Person” option in the bottom navigation bar.
staff person 2 (1).jpg
Enter the SSN or mobile phone number of a person to search. The numeric keyboard of the phone is used to speed up input.
staff person 2.jpg
You can now see the profile picture, personal details and if the person has entered the facility today.
staff person 3.jpg
Scroll down to see information about valid subscriptions and booked activities today.


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