Implementation of OCR/AvtaleGiro in Norway. KID Change

Implementation of OCR/AvtaleGiro in Norway. KID Change

Complete documentation of AvtaleGiro, including User Manual, System Specification, and Getting Started guide, can be found here här.

What the facility does
The facility enters into an agreement with its bank to use AvtaleGiro.

The facility must also have an OCR giro agreement for the same account as AvtaleGiro. In the OCR giro agreement, it is required that accounting data be sent electronically.

When applying for AvtaleGiro, the format of the KID (customer identification number) must be specified. The default format for KID in BRP is 15 digits:

  • 7 digits, position 1-7: customer ID
  • 7 digits, position 8-14: invoice number
  • 1 digit, position 15: checksum calculated using the modulo 10 method.

If the facility has customers with existing payment assignments, it is possible to change the KID for them. However, the facility must also change the account number, Or make use of a "Hjelpekonto" in that process.

Positions 8-14 must be specified as variable. These must not be specified as a Payment Type.


Position 8-14 måste anges som variabla. Dessa får absolut inte anges som Betalingstyp.

The customer can make use of this prepared document from Nets, OR contact the bank and set this up with their bank/advisor.

When preforming a KID Change "KID Bytte": 

  1. Create a Zendesk Case to R&D. So that R&D is booked for the creating of a "KID bytte fil"
  2. Customers installation needs to have. Filserver set up for exchange of KID/OCR files between BRP and Nets. Link to documentation: here
  3. Help customer, if needed, sending a Warning/Booking of time with MasterCard PaymentServices that preforms the KID change based on a "kidbyttefil" produced by R&D. 

1. Zendesk Case should include: 

Order for KID Change for: ____________________

Facility number and name in BRP: ________
Desired Date: ________

Old KID Length: __
Old Data Sender: ________

From Account: ___________

Fill in one of the fields below only:
To Account: ___________ (if the authorizations are to be moved to another company)
Help Account: ___________ (if the authorizations are to remain with the same company and only the KID structure is to be changed)

New KID. Number of positions for Customer ID: __
New KID. Number of positions for Invoice Number: __
New KID. Check digit calculation, modulo: __ (10 or 11)

Sometimes it may also be useful to ask MasterCard for a report on which KIDs they have registered. This way, you can check that the number of active KIDs being submitted for change seems reasonable.

The reason I want to know the "Old KID Length" is that sometimes they have exported it with the wrong number of leading zeros.
And it's only the number of characters I need to know, not the structure of the old KID.

3.Mail to MasterCard PaymentServices: 

This email should be sent out at least a couple of weeks before the conversion day.

Suggested email to MasterCard Paymentservices:

To be emailed to: MasterCardPaymentServices: support.norway@mastercard.com
CC: R&D Resource (person doing KID Change), Customer, ProjectLeder
Subject: Notice of KID Change for "CUSTOMER NAME"

I would like to notify you of a KID change for XXCUSTOMERXX, Org. No: XXXXX, for account XXXXX. This will be done using the auxiliary account number: XXXXXX. The KID change will be carried out according to the standard KID structure for BRP Systems, 15 digits, modulus 10*. 

*This must be adjusted and chekced in every case

The customer's next withdrawal date is XXDateXX, and the next withdrawal file will be sent no later than XXDateXX, so the process must be completed before then. We will send the KID change file on XDateXX, and could you please confirm that you can complete this?

A representative from the account holder has been copied on this email.
(Add Customer to the CC)"

Please read Page2 in this document about "KID Bytte Prosess"

What the end customer does
To start using AvtaleGiro, the customer must agree on this with their bank. The customer then registers a payment assignment for the facility. The following information should be provided:

  • KID, Customer Identification Number. This number is generated by BRP and is written on the contract the customer receives from the facility.
  • The customer's account number
  • The facility's name and account number
  • Maximum amount
  • Whether the customer wants payment notifications or not
  • Any time limit for the payment assignment.

Since BRP is approved with KID 7;7;10, no extensive test is required. Usually, a live draw is made. Three people are selected who have their accounts in the same bank as the agreement. The test subjects are given a subscription that costs 1 kroner. Create a file, ensure that the money is withdrawn, and that the invoices are reconciled when the response file is read. Once everything is approved, the bank, or BBS, activates the agreement to apply to all banks (initially, it only applies to the customer's own bank). See the document from BBS describing this: PILOTKJØRING ATG-veiledning.doc
PILOTKJØRING ATG-veiledning.doc

Routine Description

Agreement between customer and facility
The customer informs the facility that they want to use AvtaleGiro and signs a subscription with the facility. The facility creates an AvtaleGiro in BRP and prints a contract.
The customer goes to their bank and signs up for AvtaleGiro, providing the KID number, the facility’s name, and account number. This information is provided in the contract they received from the facility.
Once the customer's bank has approved the AvtaleGiro, an electronic notification will be sent to the facility. When this notification is read into BRP, the customer's AvtaleGiro is marked as active in the system.

Payment Assignments
Payment assignments must usually be sent to the bank no later than nine (9) days before the draw date.

  • The customer is informed about the upcoming draw either by the facility or by the bank.
  • BRP generates files with payment assignments for customers whose AvtaleGiros are marked as active.
  • The facility sends the files to BBS.
  • At the same time as the files are sent, a confirmation of the submission must be faxed to BBS. This confirmation is printed from BRP when the files are created.
  • Receipts for sent payment assignments are sent back to those at the facility who are registered as list recipients with Nets.
  • On the due date, the customer's account is debited, and the facility’s account is credited.
  • The facility receives receipts from the bank with information about the payment assignments, as well as an electronic file.
  • The facility imports the file into BRP, which automatically marks the invoices as paid. This file also contains information about new and terminated AvtaleGiros.
  • With the setting "Move overdue AvtaleGiro invoices from 'At Nets'", overdue AG invoices that have not been reconciled are moved from the status "At Nets" to the status "Unpaid". It is also possible to use the setting "State to move overdue direct debit invoices to" to choose to move these to "Not Sent".

Notification Deadlines

Notification via bank
If notification is sent via the bank, the payment assignments must be sent by 2:00 PM on the last banking day of the month before the payment is due. For example, if the due date is between 2008-04-15 and 2008-05-14, the payment assignments must be sent by 2008-03-31. It is therefore highly recommended that the notification be sent directly from the facility instead, as this provides a much longer deadline.

Notification from the facility
Payment assignments must be sent by 2:00 PM, nine (9) calendar days before the due date, and the notification to the customer must be sent no later than seven (7) working days before the due date.
For example, if the due date is 2008-04-30, the payment assignments and notification must be sent by 2008-04-21.

Cancellation Request
To cancel a payment assignment, the request must have been received by MasterCard/Nets no later than 2:00 PM on the day before the due date.

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