Creating custom reminder steps

Creating custom reminder steps

(TP44897 / 2023.2602)

This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.


This is an alternative reminder flow, designed to let the system administrator set up multiple invoice reminder steps, with different templates, fees and custom days between each reminder. These reminder steps will override the standard behavior.


See https://brpsystems.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CQCWCgE for which settings are needed before creating the reminder steps.

Creating reminder steps

BRP Configuration → Invoicing → Invoice reminder flow


“Step number” and “Days due” are both auto increment fields and cannot be edited. “Days due” will automatically show the number of days after the original invoice due date this specific reminder step will be sent out.

  1. Enter a name (this will not be shown anywhere on the actual reminder).

  2. Min days since last step: Reminder will be sent out X days after last step.

  3. Minimum amount to add fee: Minimum invoice amount to add a fee, set 0 if all reminder invoices should add the fee (Reminders will always be sent out regardless of the value here, but only invoices with an amount higher than X will get a fee).

  4. Reminder fee: Enter the amount of the reminder fee for standard and RCP invoices.

  5. Reminder fee for direct debit: Enter the amount of the reminder fee for direct debit invoices.

  6. Company: Select which company this reminder step is for (only applicable if setting useCompanyReminderFlowSteps is set to True. Otherwise, this field will not be visible).

  7. Report template: A PDF of the reminder invoice will be included in the e-mail. Select which report template for the reminder invoice should be used.

  8. Send to external debt collection service (checkbox): Only available if external debt collection is configured for the company or all companies if useCompanyReminderFlowSteps is not set to true.

Email, SMS and push notification templates

To enable a channel for sending the reminder, a template is written for email, SMS and/or push notification. Leave the textfield empty in order to not send via that channel.

The email template must be written in HTML (see example below).

Push notifications is an addon and has to be configured by BRP staff to work. Contact us if you aren’t already using it and want to get started.


The email, SMS and push notification templates supports the following parameters. The parameters must be included in this format: ${parameter}.

  • person.firstName

  • person.lastName

  • person.fullName

  • person.email

  • person.customerNumber

  • person.allPhones (all phone numbers of the person)

  • dueDate

  • invoiceNumber

  • ocrNumber

  • amount - Invoice amount

  • leftToPay - Remaining amount

  • fee - Reminder fee

  • myPagesLink - Link to my pages in web to check invoices (requires the Mobility Premium license)

  • url - direct payment link

The “url” parameter currently only works when the reminder is sent automatically by the scheduled task, not when it’s sent manually. The “Enable payment link” also have to checked on the app object for the link to work. This is done by BRP staff.

Example (email template)

<html><body> Due date: ${dueDate}<br><br> Invoice number: ${invoiceNumber}<br><br> OCR number: ${ocrNumber}<br> Amount: ${amount}<br> Left to pay: ${leftToPay}<br> Reminder fee: ${fee}<br><br> <a href="${url}"> Pay your invoice</a><br> <a href="${myPagesLink}"> Check your Invoices</a><br> </body></html>

Example (email presentation)

Send notification on denied entrance because of unpaid invoice

(TP56608 / 2024.41)

If a person has unpaid invoices and is denied entrance to the facility, it is possible to automatically send them a notification (email, SMS or push) with a direct link to pay the invoice immediately.


  • BRP Automated Reminder Solution license is required.

  • The installation need at least one app configured. (Disable the “Enable customer web” checkbox if you don’t have the Mobility licence). Must be done by BRP staff.

  • Push notifications is an addon and has to be configured by BRP staff. (Optional)


  • Check the “Enable payment links” on the app object (BRP Configuration → Web and app → Apps). Must be done by BRP staff.








Deny entrance and class booking when a person has an unpaid invoice that has passed due date with X days.

Set to a low value




Scheduled Task


Scheduled Task


Update flag for unpaid subscription invoices

This scheduled task needs to run (at least once a day) for BRP to recognize that a person has unpaid invoices and therefore should be denied entrance.

Message Templates

The following message templates are available for these specific notifications. Decide which channel you want the notifications to be sent by (email, SMS or push) by creating a message template for that channel.
Example: If you only want to send the notification via SMS, then only create the SMS template.

  • Unpaid invoice deny entrance SMS payment link

  • Unpaid invoice deny entrance email payment link

  • Unpaid invoice deny entrance push notification payment link


  • ${url} - A direct link to the web that shows the invoice and an option to pay it (without having to log in)

  • ${dueDate} - The due date of the invoice

  • ${invoiceNumber} - The invoice number

  • ${ocrNumber} - The OCR-number of the invoice

  • ${amount} - The total invoice amount

  • ${leftToPay} - The remaining amount of the invoice

  • ${fee} - The reminder fee amount

  • ${myPagesLink} - Link to My Pages on the web to check all unpaid invoices (requires the Mobility Premium license)

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