


verifikatExportFormat = "Procountor API"

accountingOrderExportCommand="procountorurl=<procountor_api_url>;procountorclientid=<provided_by_ProCountor>;procountorclientsecret=<provided_by_ProCountor>;procountorapikey=<api key>;”

  • procountor_api_url

  • procountorapikey


To do the mapping of the dimensions in ProCountor we need to do a http request and fetch the IDs. If you’re not familiar with PostMan, a developer can help out with this as long as everything is setup in accountingOrderExportCommand.

Authorization (<procountorurl>/oauth/token)

Get dimensions (<procountorurl>/dimensions)

Add the IDs of the items as external code for the matching dimension in BRP

Fiscal year

There must be a fiscal year in ProCountor that matches the accounting day of the export. The integration will fetch the correct fiscal year and connect but if there is none, the export is stopped.