Siigo provides a service that integrate with the government fiscalization solution in Colombia.
siigoCustomerName / siigoAccessKey is Username/Password, set on System level
siigoApiUrl, url to Siigo Api on System level. Usually
Own defined fields in settings
Used to collect required information about the payer.
ownDefinedParameterForIDType, own defined parameter used to set which type of ID a person has
ownDefinedParameterForIdentification, own defined parameter for identification
ownDefinedParameterForCityName, own defined parameter used to force city from list of valid cities
requestsPerRun, integer for how many requests we use each time the task is run. Default 100.
dayInMonthForPersonUpdate, to save requests we don't send updated person information every time. Default 10.
Objects we synchronize
IdType = External integration codes from the own defined field in ownDefinedParameterForIDType, default 13 (id)
Address fetch the city tax information from external integration codes in ownDefinedParameterForCityName
Invoice / Receipt
id = Setting siigoDocumentId
date = Date when sending the invoice to Siigo, schedule task run timepoint
seller = Setting siigoSellerId
orderitem code = Setting siigoItemCode
orderitem tax = Setting siigoVatId
payment id = External code from the payment method used
We always send header Partner-Id = "BRPSystems" in all calls to Siigo