


Siigo provides a service that integrate with the government fiscalization solution in Colombia.


siigoCustomerName / siigoAccessKey is Username/Password, set on System level

siigoApiUrl, url to Siigo Api on System level. Usually https://api.siigo.com

Own defined fields in settings

Used to collect required information about the payer.

  • ownDefinedParameterForIDType, own defined parameter used to set which type of ID a person has

  • ownDefinedParameterForIdentification, own defined parameter for identification

  • ownDefinedParameterForCityName, own defined parameter used to force city from list of valid cities



  • requestsPerRun, integer for how many requests we use each time the task is run. Default 100.

  • dayInMonthForPersonUpdate, to save requests we don't send updated person information every time. Default 10.

Objects we synchronize


IdType = External integration codes from the own defined field in ownDefinedParameterForIDType, default 13 (id)
Address fetch the city tax information from external integration codes in ownDefinedParameterForCityName

Invoice / Receipt

id = Setting siigoDocumentId
date = Date when sending the invoice to Siigo, schedule task run timepoint
seller = Setting siigoSellerId
orderitem code = Setting siigoItemCode
orderitem tax = Setting siigoVatId
payment id = External code from the payment method used

We always send header Partner-Id = "BRPSystems" in all calls to Siigo