There are 3 message templates, that have to be configured for proper usage of Class Manager.
En | SV | Template EN | Template SV |
Class Manager - Facility responsible persons for | Class Manager - Anläggningsansvarig för Class Manager | Hi %AUTO_FORNAMN% %AUTO_EFTERNAMN%!<br> You have new assigned budget template for period:<b> ${templateName} </b> . <br> Please check visit <a href="${templateUrl}">THIS </a> link to plan classes.<br> | Hej %AUTO_FORNAMN% %AUTO_EFTERNAMN%!<br> Du har en ny veckomall med en tilldelad budget för perioden:<b> ${templateName} </b> . <br> Följ länken här <a href="${templateUrl}">THIS </a> för att planera gruppaktiviteter.<br> |
Class Manager - Request to instructors to apply on classes | Class Manager - Förfrågan till instruktörer om att anmäla sig till gruppaktiviteter | Hi ${receiver}!<br>You are invited to class planning<br>You must reply no later than:<b> ${date}</b><br>Please visit: <a href="${link}">link</a> | Hej ${receiver}!<br>Du har kan nu önska gruppaktiviteter <br>Du måste svar innan:<b> ${date}</b><br>Följ länken: <a href="${link}">link</a> |
Class Manager - Request to instructors to apply on classes (SMS) | Class Manager - Förfrågan till instruktörer om att anmäla sig till gruppaktiviteter (SMS) | Default tempalte is absent. You have to add template manually if you want to send SMS. Possible parameters same, as for email: ${receiver} - Instructor's name ${date} - Reply till date ${link} - Link to Instructor's page | |
Class manager - Email to instructors for created classes | Class Manager - Email till instruktörer om skapade gruppaktiviteter | Hi ${receiver}!<br>You have been chosen for classes in period ${start} - ${end}<br>${classesString} | Hej ${receiver}!<br>Du har blivit vald till följande gruppaktiviteter för perioden ${start} - ${end}<br>${classesString} |
When classes are ready and we request instructors, MAILs and SMSes can be sent. This message template templates describes the content and have no parameters . Each instructor will receive a reply till date and it's own link.
There are two message templates for this action. By one for SMS and Email. Check table above for more details.
Possible parameters are same for Email and SMS
- ${receiver} - Instructor's name
- ${date} - Reply till date
- ${link} - Link to Instructor's page
You have to add this message template in /wiki/spaces/IDOC/pages/2618393667.