Name | Properties | Description |
Cancelled membership subscriptions last 30 days | NoneJakob Fri this is for the cancellation day, on which the customer cancelled their subscription, and not the date on which the subscription will no longer be valid, right? | Membership subscriptions that have been cancelled the last 30 days. |
Cancelled membership subscriptions last seven days | None | Current facility |
Cancelled membership subscriptions today | None | Current facility |
My future bookings | Within days=X | Number of bookings where logged in user is a resource between now and X days ahead. Not restricted to logged in business unit. |
Image | Image to show | Shows configured image. |
Not debited direct debit subscriptions | None | Direct debit subscriptions that haven’t been debited up to today and that are still active. |
Not debited RCP subscriptions | None | RCP subscriptions that haven’t been debited up to today and that are still active. |
Membership subscriptions ending in the next 30 days | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending between today and 30 days ahead. |
Membership subscriptions ending in the next 7 days | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending between today and 7 days ahead. |
Membership subscriptions ending today | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending today. |
Message | Message to display | Displays the configured message |
Missing direct debit mandates (Fi) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Finvoice). |
Missing direct debit mandates (Nor) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Avtalegiro). |
Missing direct debit mandates (Swe) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Autogiro). |
Missing PBS mandates (Dk) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (PBS). |
Missing RCP mandates | None | RCP subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate. |
New members last 30 days | None | New members for the last 30 days at the current facility. |
New members last seven days | None | New members for the last 7 days at the current facility. |
New members last seven days (Chart) | None | New members for the last 7 days at the current facility presented as a chart. |
New members today | None | Jakob Fri is this based on created date or start date of the subscription that gives membership? Can you give a more detailed description? |
No shows today | None | No shows created today at this facility. Jakob Fri this will include noshows created when the class slots are released at the beginning of the class, right? Not only after they have been processed?This includes noshows that haven’t been processed yet. |
Not debited bookings | None | Not debited bookings with a positive price where due has been passed and start is within the last 12 months. |
Overpaid invoices | None | Invoices at the current company with a negative rest that are not exported and a due date within the last 12 months. |
Sales this month | None | Sales during he current calendar month. Will return the same value as backoffice/sales-per-product if the setting“excludeClipsOnSalesStatistics” is set to “false”. |
Unmatched payments | None | Not handled unmatched payments at the current company that has been created during the last 12 months. |
Value of not debited bookings | None | Same as “Not debited bookings” above but this widget shows the price (ex. VAT) of the bookings. |
Visits today | None | Total number of visits today at the current facility. |