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BRP Only documentation |
BRP Configuration → Settings → Settings
Name | Properties | Description | Level |
Cancelled membership subscriptions last 30 days | None | Membership subscriptions that were cancelled during the last 30 days (including today). | Facility |
Cancelled membership subscriptions last seven days | None | Membership subscriptions that were cancelled during the last 7 days (including today). | Facility |
Cancelled membership subscriptions today | None | Membership subscriptions that were cancelled today. | Facility |
Cancelled membership statistics subscriptions last 30 days | None | Subscriptions that were cancelled during the last 30 days (including today). *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
Cancelled membership statistics subscriptions last seven days | None | Subscriptions that were cancelled during the last 7 days (including today). *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
Cancelled membership statistics subscriptions today | None | Subscriptions that were cancelled today. *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
My future bookings | Within days=X | Number of bookings where the logged in user is a resource, starting now and X days ahead. Not restricted to logged in facility. X=1 not started bookings today + tomorrow | System/current user |
Image | Image to show | Shows configured image. | N/A |
Invoices overdue | Days after due day | Invoices that are due by more than x days and not fully paid and a due date within the last 12 months. | Company |
Not debited direct debit subscriptions | None | Direct debit subscriptions that haven’t been debited up to todays date and that are still active. | Facility |
Not debited RCP subscriptions | None | RCP subscriptions that haven’t been debited up to today and that are still active. | Facility |
Membership subscriptions ending in the next 30 days | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending in the next 30 days (including today), and was not cancelled by the user. | Facility |
Membership subscriptions ending in the next 7 days | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending in the next 7 days (including today), and was not cancelled by the user. | Facility |
Membership subscriptions ending today | None | Membership subscriptions which are ending today, and was not cancelled by the user. | Facility |
Membership statistics subscriptions ending in the next 30 days | None | Subscriptions which are ending in the next 30 days (including today), and was not cancelled by the user. *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
Membership statistics subscriptions ending in the next 7 days | None | Subscriptions which are ending in the next 7 days (including today), and was not cancelled by the user. *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
Membership statistics subscriptions ending today | None | Subscriptions which are ending today, and was not cancelled by the user. *Includes subscriptions with “Used statistically for number of members” checkbox enabled | Facility |
Message | Message to display
| Displays the configured message | N/A |
Missing direct debit mandates (Fi) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Finvoice). | Facility |
Missing direct debit mandates (Nor) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Avtalegiro). | Facility |
Missing direct debit mandates (Swe) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (Autogiro). | Facility |
Missing PBS mandates (Dk) | None | Direct debit subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate (PBS). | Facility |
Missing RCP mandates | None | RCP subscriptions that are not fully debited and the payer is missing a valid mandate. | Facility |
New members last 30 days | None | New members for the last 30 days at the current facility. *Includes persons with a subscription that “Gives membership”. | Facility |
New members last seven days | None | New members for the last 7 days at the current facility. *Includes persons with a subscription that “Gives membership”. | Facility |
New members last seven days (Chart) | None | New members for the last 7 days at the current facility presented as a chart. *Includes persons with a subscription that “Gives membership”. | Facility |
New members today | None | Persons that became members today (were not members yesterday). *Includes persons with a subscription that “Gives membership”. | Facility |
No shows today | None | No shows created today. This includes noshows that haven’t been processed yet. | Facility |
Not debited bookings | None | Not debited bookings with a positive price where due has been passed and start is within the last 12 months. | Facility |
Overpaid invoices | None | Invoices at the current company with a negative rest that are not exported and a due date within the last 12 months. | Company |
Sales this month | None | Sales during the current calendar month. Do not compare with backoffice/sales-per-product, because of the limit to 30 days, and settings that effect the selection in that list, such as “excludeClipsOnSalesStatistics” | Facility |
Unmatched payments | None | Not handled unmatched payments that have been created during the last 12 months. | Company |
Value of not debited bookings | None | Same as “Not debited bookings” above but this widget shows the price (ex. VAT) of the bookings. | Facility |
Visits today | None | Total number of visits today. | Facility |
Low stock level | None | Facility | |
Organization price list expiring | Expires within days | Facility | |
Customer type expiring | Expires within days | Facility | |
Unapproved profile images | None | Total number of unapproved profile images (if users are allowed to upload their own images through the app). | There are three sepearate widgets for System, Company or Facility level |
New organization customers | The past X days | ||
Recovered capital from Automated Reminder Solution | None | Recovered capital from the Automated Reminder Solution. Shows a list of invoices upon clicking. | |
Surveillance events today | None | All surveillance events today. Related to Video Surveillance on Entry, a feature which is not yet released. | |
Freeze request | None | Total number of open freeze requests (unapproved and not denied requests) | There are three sepearate widgets for System, Company or Facility level |
Revenue today | Revenue accounts (List of accounts with 'Revenue account' enabled) | Revenue excluding VAT for the selected accounts for today. | Facility |
Revenue this month | Revenue accounts (List of accounts with 'Revenue account' enabled) | Revenue excluding VAT for the selected accounts during the current calendar month. Do not compare with backoffice/sales-per-product, because of the limit to 30 days, and settings that effect the selection in that list, such as “excludeClipsOnSalesStatistics” | Facility |