Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Unchanged
    The booking is not affected by any changes.

  • Deleted
    The booking is marked in red and will be removed.

  • New
    The booking is marked in green and will be newly created.

  • Moved
    The booking is marked in blue, indicating that the recurrence interval, time, and/or weekdays are changing.

  • Not Moveable
    The booking is marked in cerise (pink) and cannot be moved. Only resource changes are allowed.

Choose not to create bookings in the previous date interval

If the date interval in "Change repetition" is extended, before and/or after the previous interval, the user can choose if the changes made should be applied to the full new interval, or only to the added days.


Explanation of the Fields in “Change Repetition”

Checking this box changes the date interval for the recurrence. The displayed start/end dates are those of the current recurrence. Enter the interval over which the recurrence should run.

Repeat every X week
Checking this box changes the weekly interval value. The initial value is 1, meaning the booking recurs every week. A value of 2 means every other week, 3 means every third week, etc.

Checking this box indicates the booking should be moved to other weekdays. Initially, the already-booked weekdays are marked.

  • Uncheck any weekday if the booking should no longer apply.

  • Check any weekday where the booking should now apply.

Change Time
Clicking this button allows you to change the time (clock/starting time) of the bookings.

Change resource
Clicking this button allows you to change a resource. If the class has multiple resource requirements, a field for each requirement is shown so you can update them as needed.

Remove a Recurring Booking

  1. Click on the booking and then on the three-dot menu.

  2. Select "Change Repetition."

  3. Uncheck the day(s) for which you want the booking removed.

  4. The status changes to “Removed.”

  5. Select all or some of the bookings that should be removed.

  6. Click "Perform." See the example below:
