(TP44897 / 2023.2602)
The custom reminder flow feature is enabled by creating one or more reminder steps. This will then override the standard behavior.
Custom reminder steps can be created if one of the following settings are enabled
useAutomatedReminderSolution (addon enabled by BRP staff)
useCustomReminderSteps (addon enabled by BRP staff)
This is an alternative reminder flow, designed to let the system administrator set up multiple invoice reminder steps, with different templates, fees and custom days between each reminder.
Even though the settings for each reminder step will override them, the following settings must be configured for the feature to work as intended
“reminderProduct” (standard reminder product for invoices and RCP invoices)
“reminderProductAg” (standard reminder product for direct debit invoices)
Custom reminder steps provide better control, and more customizable messages than the follow-up points for due invoices. Make sure to disable the follow up points so that customers are not sent duplicate messages.
Configuring steps
BRP Configuration → Invoicing → Invoice reminder flow
Step number is an auto increment field. Users cannot edit it.
If Multiple facility within installation wishes for different steps, useCompanyReminderFlowSteps must be set to true.
Send to external debt collection service - Available only if external debt collection is configured for the company or all companies if useCompanyReminderFlowSteps is not set to true.
Min days since last step - Reminder will be sent out X days after last step.
Minimum amount to add fee - Reminder will still be sent for those invoices but the fee will not be set.
Direct debit fee - Reminder fee for direct debit invoices.
Regular fee - Reminder fee for other invoices.
Email, SMS and push notification templates
To enable a channel for sending the reminder, a template is written for email, SMS and/or push notification. Leave the textfield empty in order to not send to that channel.
The email, SMS and push notification templates supports the following parameters
person.allPhones (all phone numbers of the person)
amount - Invoice amount
leftToPay - Remaining amount
fee - Reminder fee
myPagesLink - Link to my pages in web to check invoices
Example (email template)
<html><body> Due date: ${dueDate}<br><br> Invoice number: ${invoiceNumber}<br><br> OCR number: ${ocrNumber}<br> Amount: ${amount}<br> Left to pay: ${leftToPay}<br> Reminder fee: ${fee}<br><br> <a href="${myPagesLink}"> Check your Invoices</a><br> </body></html>