Automated reminder solution

This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.



This is an alternative reminder flow, designed to let the system administrator set up multiple invoice reminder steps, with different templates, fees and custom days between each reminder. Processing can be automated.

  • Maximize the payment rate for our customers.

  • Allow customizability based on tailor made reminder steps

  • Automatization and minimal work for users


This feature require a special agreement signed before BRP staff can activate it.

General configuration

Configuration done by BRP staff

(TP57032 “General configuration”)

  • useAutomatedReminderSolution - set to true for companies.

  • activate SendRemindersScheduleTask, parameter companies=1,2,3 can be used to limit to some companies for specific runs, use setting above to configure for companies.

  • useCompanyReminderFlowSteps - set as true if reminder steps will be configured on a company level. If false, reminder steps will be configured on a system level.

Configuration done by system administrator

Reminder fee products

The product for the reminder fee on each step is used to set the total fee (including the fee from previous steps).


  1. Friendly reminder. No fee.

  2. First reminder. 10 euro fee. The reminder product “1:st reminder fee” should have the price 10 euros.

    1. The reminder fee of the invoice is set to 10 euros based on the fee product.

  3. Second reminder. 10 euro fee. The reminder product “2:nd reminder fee” should have the price 20 euros.

    1. The reminder fee of the invoice is set to 20 euros based on the fee product.