GDPR - Settings

GDPR - Settings

BRP Configuration → Settings → Settings

For assistance with making changes under these settings, contact BRP Support.

Require acceptance of agreement terms upon manual registration of a person

If enabled, the person being registered in BRP by staff must accept the agreement terms. In BRP and Customer Routines, a popup appears in which staff must confirm that the agreement has been accepted before saving the person.

Default value for allowing mass mailing by letter

If selected, the property “Allow mass mailing by letter” under Basic Information on the person card is set by default when creating a new person. If not selected, the property is not set by default for new persons.

Default value for allowing mass mailing by email

If selected, the property “Allow mass mailing by email” under Basic Information on the person card is set by default when creating a new person. If not selected, it is not set by default for new persons.

Default value for allowing mass mailing by SMS

If selected, the property “Allow mass mailing by SMS” under Basic Information on the person card is set by default when creating a new person. If not selected, it is not set by default for new persons.

Max number of matches when searching for persons

This number sets how many matches are displayed in person searches. The number 0 means no limit.

Note: If a user has the right “personsökning - inga begränsningar” (“person search - no limitations”), the number of matches is not limited, regardless of the setting value.

Restrict access to personal data

If enabled, sensitive personal data on the person card in BRP and Customer Routines is hidden. To view the information, the user must click a “Show” button, and this action is logged on the person record.

Does not apply to people with the right “Persons - Unlimited access to personal data.”

Show unsubscribe link in email

If enabled, a link to unsubscribe appears at the bottom of mass emails sent from the BRP client. Clicking that link removes the recipient’s consent to mass mailing by email.

Number of days to wait before anonymization (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Specifies how many days to wait before a person who has been marked for anonymization is actually anonymized. If no value is provided, all marked persons are anonymized (no waiting).

Clear free-text fields upon anonymization (GDPR Tools Add-On)

If enabled, the following free-text fields related to the person are cleared during anonymization:

  • Internal/external notes & customer messages

  • Marketing activities

  • Messages and greetings on value cards linked to the person

  • Information fields on a resource if the person was an employee

  • Additional info on waiting lists

  • Internal/external messages on orders

  • Comments on subscriptions (which may appear during deviations)

Use closed system for blocked persons (GDPR Tools Add-On)

When anonymizing, people marked as “Permanently blocked” on the person card are stored in a closed system, preventing them from re-registering.

Age threshold to avoid requiring parental consent at registration

If a person under this age is registered via BRP or Customer Routines, the system prompts the staff to confirm parental consent.

Require personal identity number for linking an event participant

If enabled, an event participant can only be linked to a person using a personal identity number. If disabled, the link uses birth date instead.

Require personal identity number for age checks on event participants

If enabled, the age check requires a personal identity number. If disabled, the age is determined via birth date.

Add persons to external mailing list upon anonymization (GDPR Tools Add-On)

When anonymizing, if the person allows mass mailing by email at the time of anonymization, their email address is added to an external mailing list on MailChimp/Carma, allowing future contact.

Require re-acceptance of agreement terms for registration if not done after...

If a person accepted the agreement terms for registration before this date, they must re-accept them before making a booking or purchase on the web.

Excerpt from person register (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Enables the feature to generate a data extract for a person in BRP via the person list.

Excerpt from person register – Subscriptions (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s subscriptions in the person data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Basic information (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s basic information in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Orders (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s orders in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Documents (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s documents in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Custom fields (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s “Own Fields” information in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Finance (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s financial information in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – External messages and notes (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes external messages and notes on the person in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Debits (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s debits in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – History (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s history in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Internal messages and notes (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes internal messages and notes on the person in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Customer journal (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s customer journal in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Customer messages (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s customer messages in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Marketing (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the Marketing tab information for the person in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Person notes (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes notes on the person in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Previous purchases (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s previous purchases in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Training statistics (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s training statistics in the data extract.

Excerpt from person register – Value cards (GDPR Tools Add-On)

Includes the person’s value cards in the data extract.

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