Merged reports

Merged reports

(TP43959 / 2023.3103)

For value cards and some other objects, reports intended for single objects can be created for multiple objects and then be merged to a single PDF. The option for a merged report is added first in the list of links with the suffix (merged). One use of this is when you want to select many value cards and print them at once as a combined PDF report.


  • The functionality is enabled with a temporary toggle, that BRP staff must enable in the installation.

  • If the number of individual reports doesn't exceed setting "maxNumberOfItemsCanBeShownIndividuallyDuringMerge" (default 30), all the individual reports are also available for download.

Types of objects

Merged reports are available for the following object types. The intended use is for value cards, but the rest share similar properties that makes it possible to use the functionality for them also.

  • ValueCard

  • Person

  • Organization

  • Order

  • MarketActivity

  • InvoiceRepay (backoffice/repay-invoice)


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