Consent Requirements on Products

Consent Requirements on Products

Please note that this document is a draft and still not finalized.

This page describes the consent requirements on products.


A consent requirement can be added to a product, which means that a user needs to agree on the selected consent to be able to book the product. Agreeing on the consent is mandatory in order to proceed with the checkout/booking of that product.

Adding consent requirements on products are supported for service and event products and it is possible to have one consent requirement on a product. The consent will be visible on My Pages > Profile with other agreements and consents.

Configuring consent requirement on a product

1. Create a consent

Create a consent in BRP Configuration > Persons > Consent.
The checkbox Can be given in BRP Self Service and API needs to be checked and the consent needs to have a system level template defined (otherwise it will not show up on the product, see step 2)

Note that in order to create own defined consents, the addon GDPR-tools is needed.

2. Add the consent requirement to a product

Add the consent as a requirement to book the product in BRP Configuration > Products  > Products.
In Base information: select the consent in the dropdown list Requires consent to book.

If several consent templates are used (different for different facilities or different templates on system and facility level): the message has to be the same even if the texts can vary a bit. Ex: if the consent is referring to contact persons or similar: this can be different depending on which facility the consent template is for. But the main message in the content has to be the same.

If facility level templates are used: a system level template must always exist. If a system level consent template is missing: the consent will not show up in the Requires consent to book-list.

Web and App user flow


In the Web, for service and event products, in the respective detail pages, the relevant conditions will be displayed under the sub heading ‘CONDITIONS & CONSENTS’.

When the service product has product additions


When the service product doesn’t have product additions


Event product detail page



The display text for the Consent will be the name of it as defined in BRP Configuration. As an alternative option, the fallback option can be “Read an accept these terms and conditions”.


In the App, for service and event products, in the respective detail pages, the relevant conditions will be displayed under the sub heading ‘CONDITIONS & CONSENTS’.



For both web and app: if the consent is not agreed on, the user will not be able to proceed with their booking or reservation since the button to book or reserve will be disabled.

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