Subscriptions List

Subscriptions List

BRP Back Office → Subscriptions → Subscriptions

Advanced Selection

  • Based on Subscriptions

  • Based on Person

See https://brpsystems.atlassian.net/wiki/x/RoCYHgE for some information on how to use advanced selection for statistics.


Choose which columns should be displayed. This configuration applies to the entire installation and requires the “Central Settings” right.


  • Advanced Search allows you to filter which subscriptions appear in the list based on one or more criteria (e.g., subscription type or binding period).

  • Person List gives you a list of the payers for the selected subscriptions.

  • Debit bills the first of the selected subscriptions for a period. You can change the period and price before proceeding.

  • + (plus) creates a new subscription. This can also be done from a customer’s profile or via the cash register.

  • Printer icon lets you generate one of the available reports.

  • Show product opens the subscription product SOV.

Edit Selected Rows (Requires Administrator Rights)

  • Change Price lets you modify the price for the selected subscriptions.

  • Change Product and Customer Type lets you replace the product in selected subscriptions.

    • Requires the right “Subscription - Mass change product and customer type.”

    • If you want a single subscription to transition to another product while retaining the historical record of the old subscription, use the Change Product function on one subscription at a time.

    • Note that the subscription’s price, “Renew Automatically,” start date, binding period, and “Debited Until” are not affected.

    • This change can be made even if future deviations exist on the subscription.

  • Add Extra Payment for Autogiro Subscription lets you add a one-time amount to be drawn in the next autogiro run.


  • Subscriptions: The total number of subscriptions/rows in the list.

  • Users: The number of unique users of the listed subscriptions.

  • Members: The number of unique users among the listed subscriptions who hold a membership.

  • Total price: The sum of the prices for all subscriptions in the list.

  • Average price: The average price of all subscriptions in the list (i.e., Price, Total / Subscriptions).

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