Subscription Statistics
BRP Back Office → Subscriptions → Subscription statistics
Explanation of columns
Product: The various subscription types used during the selected period.
Incoming: All subscriptions that are valid at the start of the period.
Renewed: Subscriptions that expire during the selected period and have been re-billed. Subscriptions requiring autogiro are considered “renewed” only when their binding period has ended; until then, they are counted among the existing ones.
New: New subscriptions.
Finished: Subscriptions that expire during the selected period for which no new billing has been performed.
Outgoing: The total number of subscriptions at the end of the period (existing + new – terminated).
Deleted (voided) subscriptions disappear entirely from the statistics.
By clicking on a value in the table, you can view the underlying subscriptions contributing to that statistic.
Why Do I Get Different Results from Various Subscription Statistics?
Advanced Search (Person List) vs. Subscription List
Advanced Search yields exactly the same result for subscriptions and persons in terms of matching criteria. The only difference is that a single person can pay for multiple subscriptions. Consequently, you may sometimes see fewer hits (unique persons) than in the subscription list (total subscriptions).
Difference Between Advanced Search and Subscription Statistics
When you select “Validity” in the Advanced Search, it only finds subscriptions valid right now. That provides a snapshot at the current moment.
Meanwhile, the subscription statistics show all subscriptions that are valid and that expire within the chosen interval. A subscription can appear here if, for instance, you move its start date by a few days or if it expired during the interval (even if that expiration date is before the current date).
Reason for cancellation
BRP Back Office → Statistics → Reasons for cancellation
A subscription appears in this statistic if it was canceled using the “Cancel Subscription” button on the subscription itself. To use cancellation reasons, they must be added via BRP Configuration > Subscriptions > Reasons for cancellation.
The month a canceled subscription is counted in is based on the subscription’s end date (i.e., whichever is latest between bound until or billed until). It is not based on the cancellation date.
By clicking on a value in the table, you can view the subscriptions behind that statistic.
Members Without a Valid Subscription
These are members who used to have a subscription but currently do not have an active one.
Go to BRP Back Office → Persons.
Click “Advanced Search.”
Click on the Member tab.
Check only “Subscriptions” → Click on the pen next to “Products” and add → Check “Invalid”
Click “New Search.”
If you want to narrow it down to only customers aged 20–30 without an active subscription, you can combine age criteria on the Basic Information tab with the steps above.
Subscriptions That Expire
For members whose subscription ends on December 31:
Go to the Subscription List (Back office → Subscriptions → Subscriptions).
Click “Advanced Search.”
In the “Expires” field, specify the date range in which the subscriptions end. For this example, enter December 31 in both fields.
Click “New Search.” You’ll see all subscriptions expiring on December 31.