Send confirmation when cancelling a service

Send confirmation when cancelling a service

(TP51558 / 2023.2501)

When cancelling a Service an email or SMS can be sent out in a way similar as for Classes

Consent for SMS/e-mail is reqired to receive confirmation.

This feature is for manually choosing to send out a notification when cancelling a service. There is also a feature that automatically sends out a notification every time a service booking is created, changed or cancelled. Only use one of them.


Message templates

Variables that can be used in the message templates

  • ${bookingNameAndTime} (the service product name, and the date and time of the booking)

  • ${reason} (reason for cancellation)

  • ${businessUnitName} (facility name)

  • %AUTO_FORNAMN% (first name)

  • %AUTO_EFTERNAMN% (last name)

  • %AUTO_EMAIL% (email address)

Message template example

Dear %AUTO_FORNAMN% %AUTO_EFTERNAMN%! ${bookingNameAndTime} was cancelled due to ${reason}. Regards, ${businessUnitName}

If you don’t add a custom message template, the default message template is used.


How to launch

From the resource planner

How to use

First confirm:

Then make changes to the messages: