Sending custom invoice reminders (manually)
(TP44897 / 2023.2602)
How to use
How to send invoice reminders
BRP Back Office → Invoicing → Demand management
Select invoice/invoices → press ‘Create demand notes' button → option 'Yes'
A step will be applied to an invoice based on the reminder count of the invoice and days since the last reminder date.
If an invoice already has 1 reminder, then the next reminder step is step no 2. If there is only one step in the installation. User cannot send a reminder for that invoice.
Also days since the last reminder of invoice need to be equal or less than the ‘min days between the next step’ of the next step to be applied.
If there are no steps configured in the installation, user cannot send reminders for the selected invoices.
If there are configured steps in the installation user will be able to proceed. The action dialog will clearly state which invoices can and cannot be sent reminders.
SMS, e-mail and push notification will be preselected if any of the reminder steps for the selected invoices has an SMS template, e-mail template or push notification template.
User can select multiple options from Invoice reminder flow action dialog
The content of the ‘Email Template’ of the next reminder step will set as the email body
An invoice reminder report pdf, generated from the report template of the next reminder step will be attached to the email as an attachment
The content of the ‘SMS Template’ of the next reminder step will be the content of the SMS
Push notification
The content of the ‘Push notification Template’ if the next reminder step will be the content of the push notification.
User will see only one PDF report which contains multiple reports for each selected invoices. (Each report could be from different report templates according to the reminder step)
Email and SMS will be sent in the background (asynchronously) and will show a summary dialog after that. Therefore reminders will be sent even if the user closes the tab.
There may be scenarios reminders cannot be sent
Missing Email/SMS template of the reminder step
Missing email address/Mobile phone number of the customer
Email/SMS failures
The summary dialog will inform the user of success/failures of reminders. So failed scenarios also will be in the summary.
When the user selects both SMS and Email as sending options, failures are counted only when the customer doesn’t receive an email. Because email has more data than SMS (Reminder report is also attached in emails). If the customer receives only an email for the reminder then it is a successful case. Then the SMS failure will not be in the summary dialog.
The ‘Yes' option to the summary dialog displays the reminders which couldn’t be sent.