Explore Screen and Web Categories

Explore Screen and Web Categories

Please note that this document is a draft and still not finalized.

This page describes the basic structure and the use of the Explore Screen.

The structure of the Explore Screen

‘Explore Screen’ can be considered as the ‘Home Screen’ of the mobility mobile app.

It basically contains,

  • Shopping Cart

  • Header image with main headings

  • Web Categories of different product groups

  • Bottom Navigation Menu

What is a web category?

A web category is an entity that encapsulates more than one product from the same product type which share similarities. On the ‘Explore Screen’, all the web categories are grouped based on the type of the product. Web categories can be identified as building blocks of the 'Explore Screen'.

A generic web category is presented in a rectangular card with a cover image, title and an overview description.




Types of web categories

The following types of web categories can be seen on the ‘Explore Screen’.

Title Web Categories

These web categories are used to display headings and sub-headings on the ‘Explore Screen’.

Basically they are shown as caption lines that appear in between different product/info/featured web categories on the screen.


Product Web Categories

These are the web categories that bundle up sets of similar of products together.

Under a specific product web category, there can exist products that belong to the same product type.

When clicked on a product web category , it’ll direct the user to the corresponding web category detail screen.



Info Web Categories

The purpose of the info web categories is to show some timely static information that should be known by the user. When clicked on such a web category, it’ll open a full screen view containing all the relevant information.

Ex: Covid 19 Information



Featured Web Categories

Featured web categories are the web categories that take the full-width of the screen.

In terms of functionality, they are identical to the product web categories.



Related Settings and Configurations

New web categories can be added and existing web categories can be edited from BRP Configuration > Web and App > Web Categories

Company and Facility defines whether a web category is configured as a Global or a Local one. Apps define on what apps, a particular web category is shown.

Show in app makes sure that the considered web category is shown on the selected apps.


By selecting Featured , a certain web category can be shown as a featured one on the Explore Page.


By dragging the records up and down in the list view, the order in which the web categories are displayed on the Explore Screen can be adjusted.


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