


The Loyalty program is designed to engage your customers to adopt a sustained workout habit and try more of your available offerings. In the long term this will make your customers more loyal to your business and brand.

By incorporating gamification elements, such as challenges, rewards, and achievements, we create an interactive environment that motivates and inspires users to achieve their fitness goals.

Read more here

How does BRP Loyalty work?

The Loyalty program is like a game in the Mobility app, where members can “level up” by going to the gym and attending classes. Each level offers various benefits to boost and enhance their motivation.

Coins is your new virtual currency in the app! Members earn Coins by completing Streaks and Achievements and use these Coins to purchase different rewards in the Reward Shop, such as a water bottle or PT-session. Streaks are achieved by regularly going to the gym or attending classes, for example visit the gym at least once for 5 consecutive weeks.

Achievements are “badges” which the member will get from achieving specific goals. It could be attending a specific class a certain number of times or working out during the summer months. And who knows, maybe some hidden achievements will appear if they continue to be consistent?


  • The BRP Mobility app is required

  • BRP Loyalty license is required

If you are interested in getting started with a Loyalty program in your app: reach out to your BRP Sales representative or Customer Success Manager for more information on how to begin!


Pre-requisites app and facility setup in BRP

App configuration

All facilities where members should earn points, coins and collect workout or class streaks must be included in the app in the App configuration in BRP Configuration.

BRP Configuration > Web and app > Apps > Select the app > Select the ‘Base information’ tab >
Used by facilities

Facility configuration

Facilities which should be included in the app must have “Show in API” enabled.






Activate Loyalty in the Mobility app



This setting needs to be activated by BRP Staff


Enable these rights on the roles of those who will configure or make changes to Loyalty:

  • Loyalty - General configuration

  • People - Mass change personal data

Enable this right on the roles of those who later on should be able to view statistics related to Loyalty.

  • Loyalty - View statistics

Readers & Passages

Make sure that the readers are configured correctly: the only readers that should be configured as Type: Out are readers to exit the facility. Verify this for each facility in BRP Configuration > Settings > Readers.

This is important so that members does not get several passages registered when they are moving inside the facility. The loyalty points and coins a customer earns are partially based on visits.

In BRP Configuration > Settings > Scheduling there is a schedule called Automatically check out visits where you can set the amount of minutes where a member should be automatically checked out after they have made a visit. This means that members can get a new visit registered after the amount of minutes where they automatically gets checked out, according to this setting.

Create a Loyalty program

Follow this guide step by step to create your Loyalty program.

Note that only BRP staff can create or delete Loyalty programs. Once it has been created, further configuration can be done and adjusted by you.

A loyalty program is created by clicking on '+' in BRP Configuration → Web and app → Loyalty program.
There are 7 tabs with configuration to go through. In each tab you will configure the different mechanics of the Loyalty program:

  • Achievements - This includes the “badges” the user will get from achieving specific goals.

  • Levels - This includes the different levels the user will progress through by being an active member.

  • Rewards - This includes the rewards the user will be able to trade in after collecting “Coins”. Coins will be given to the user by completing achievements and streaks.

  • Streaks - This includes the challenges the user will meet from doing something consistently, e.g. visit the gym at least once for 5 consecutive weeks.

If you change the standard names of the mechanics, you’ll have to add your translations for them.

Standard names are automatically translated into all app-supported languages, so you don’t need to translate them manually into Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, or other supported languages. This process is handled automatically. However, if you modify the default names, you will need to provide translations as well.

1. Base information

BRP Configuration → Web and app → Loyalty program → ‘Base Information’ tab

  • Name
    Enter the title of your loyalty program in one or more languages. This is the name that will be visible to members in the app.

  • Enable loyalty in the mobility app for

    • Set the option to “Disabled” until everything is configured.

  • Person group

    • When later enabling the Loyalty program: this can be done for a certain Product Group
      (ex: selected staff for initial tests)

  • Gwen product ID (non editable field)

    • When creating the Loyalty program, the program will get an ID which will be displayed here.
      Gwen is the loyalty program platform which is connected to BRP.

  • Gwen product name

    • Enter a “product name” for the Loyalty program. This is not displayed anywhere in the app or in BRP, except here in the field in the Base Information tab.

  • Template Setup

    • There is currently one template available: [Template] Classes setup. Select that one.

  • Languages

    • The languages for which the Loyalty program will be maintained in. If a language is added here, the Loyalty texts needs to be maintained for that language. The fallback language will be displayed for any languages which does not have translation support.

  • Fallback language

    • In a scenario where the member/app user is having their phone locale set to a locale which is not a supported/maintained language: texts will defualt to this language as “fallback”. English is suggested for this purpose.

2. Achievements

BRP Configuration → Web and apps → Loyalty programs → 'Achievements' tab

  • If you would like to call ‘Achievements’ something else: you can add your own name here.

  • If you change the standard name, you’ll have to add translations for it as well. The name will be displayed in the app for the users.

  • Click on the pen to add translations to other languages, if desired.

The different achievements are predefined and these cannot be changed or added by configuration in BRP.

Members can view achievements in the app under the "Achievements" section of the Loyalty Program.

On top of this, there are a few “hidden achievements”, which are not known for the member in advance.

A few examples of these are (but there are more!):

  • “Where is Santa?”
    A member visiting a facility on December 24 earns this achievement

  • “Happy new year!”
    A member visiting a facility on December 31 earns this achievement

  • “Kettlebell King”
    A member attending 5 Kettlebell classes earns this achievement

  • “Yoga Yogi”
    A member attending 5 Yoga classes earns this achievement

  • “High-intensity Hero”
    A member attending 5 High-intensity training classes earns this achievement



3. Levels

  • If you decided to call Levels something else, enter the new name under “Title”.

  • Enter a title description and a description.

  • Leave “Info text” and “Info url” blank, this will be added at a later step.



  • Click on a level and enter the perks (benefits) the customer will get from the different levels. Every new line in the level perks description is presented as a bullet in the app.

    Note! You cannot create or delete levels, but you can modify the perks customers receive at each level. The level names cannot be edited either.

Every new line in the level perks description is presented as a bullet in the app.

10 new achievements Bring a friend 5 times per year 5% discount on PT services 10% off in our shop

Some examples of what you can provide as level perks:

  • Discounts on products

    • x % discount a PT/massage/etc booking

    • x % discount on protein powder

    • x % discount on a yearly subscription

  • Free products

    • X free PT/massage/sauna bookings

  • X guest visits to give to a friend

  • X weekly/monthly subscriptions to give away to a friend

  • Free coffee

Rights for loyalty levels

A right can be used to let the customer:

  • Get discounts, based on a price list.

  • Book classes they could normally not book

  • Book classes or before anyone else, or cancel them later than anyone else.

  • Enter additional doors or facilities, or enter at extended hours.


Unlike a subscription, which can be on a specific facility, the loyalty program is on a system level. The rights used for levels should have the property “Access” set to “All facilities”. If another value is selected, it will be ignored.

It is only possible to create rights for levels higher than Start-level at the moment. It will be possible to create rights connected to the Start level in the future.

Create rights and connect them to your loyalty progresson levels. When a member reaches a level, they will get the benefits of the level through this right.

Note that level benefits which are not managed through the rights needs to be managed manually at the reception/facility.

4. Rewards

Before proceeding with the Reward configuration in this tab you should create Value cards for the Reward Shop.

Customers will gain coins by completing Achievements and Streaks, and can use those coins to buy different rewards in the reward shop. These rewards come in the form of Product value cards which will be added to the customer when bought.

4.1 Create Value Cards for the Reward Shop

BRP Configuration → Products → Products

  • Create a product group specific for the Loyalty value cards, so you can easily find them later. This is done in BRP Configuration > Products > Product groups.

  • Create the value cards:

    • The name should be linked to the actual reward the customer will get, e.g. “Energy drink”.

    • Add the product group created for Loyalty.

    • Add an account.
      Note! The VAT group for the value card has to be the same as the products you will add to the value card.

    • Do not add a price to the value card.

    • Choose and enter the validity length of the value card. Our recommendation is that the value cards expire within a month from the date of purchasing. This way, you will limit the accumulation of debt from reward-related value cards and you will have better control of the size of the total debt derived from reward-related value card.

    • Set “Type of value card” to Product, and add the product/s that the customer should be able to get with the value card. Items, services, entrances and subscriptions are the possible products to connect to value cards in BRP and use as rewards.

    • Add the facilities to which the value card should work.

  • Repeat the previous steps to create one value card for each reward you would like to offer. We recommend that you create 10-15 value cards (rewards).

Now go back to the 'Rewards' tab in the Loyalty program configuration.

4.2 Configure Rewards and add Rewards Items in the Rewards Tab

BRP Configuration → Web and apps → Loyalty programs → Rewards Tab

  • Enable the reward shop in the mobility app in order to display the Reward Shop in the Loyalty Program

  • Limit access to users of subscription based on subscription products with this product label (TP61297/GA2024.41)

    • Here, you can select a product label, which will grant full access to the Loyalty program only to those with a subscription product that has the same label. (TP61297/GA2024.41).

    • Members with a subscription product that doesn’t have this label will still see the Loyalty program in the app, but they won’t be able to shop in the reward shop or enjoy the level perks.

    • If you leave this field blank, all users will have access to all parts of the Loyalty program.

  • Fill in a Monthly value gain goal, if you’d like. This is an optional field.

    • The Monthly value gain goal is in your local currency (ex. SEK/NOK/DKK/EUR). The value should be “how much you would like to spend per active member per month on rewards”.

      The recommended baseline for this value is ~10% of your average monthly subscription price.

    • This value will help you set a coin price that corresponds to the currency value of a product, when you are adding rewards.

    • If a Monthly value gain goal is entered, when adding a reward, you will instead of a coin value enter the estimated currency value for the reward and you will get a Calculated coin value to assist you when setting the price for the reward in coins.

      All in all: you will get assistance converting currency price to coin price for a reward in your shop.

  • If you decided to call Rewards something else, enter the new name under “Title”.

  • Enter a Short description, Title for the description and Description.


  • Click on in “Reward shop” to add the value cards you created in a previous step.

    • Enter a title (name) and description in one or more languages for the reward. Both the name and the desciption will be visible for members in the shop in the app.

    • Choose a category of the reward.

    • Enter the value card product created in the previous step for the reward.

    • Set a price (the amount of earned coins needed to redeem this reward).

      • Value of reward: enter a price for the rewards in your currency.

        After filling in a price in “Value of reward”, a “Suggested price in coins” will be proposed (if you have filled in a value in Monthly value gain goal) based on the the Monthly value gain goal and The average monthly coin gain. The average monthly coin gain is set by BRP and nothing that can be configured.

      • Price in coins: the amount of earned coins needed to “buy” this reward

    • Set User purchase limit.
      This is the amount of items allowed per member. The time span for which this amount is allowed is set in the below field: User cooldown days.

    • Set User cooldown days.
      This is the time period for which a member is allowed to collect an item.

      Example: if a member should be allowed to collect a smoothie from the reward shop once a week and maxium 10 smoothies: set User purchase limit to 10 and User cooldown in days to 7.

      (The user can claim the same reward again exactly one week later, on the same day and at the same time.)

    • Pick an icon for the reward (the image/icon that will be displayed in the app for this reward).

    • Set “Status” to LIVE.
      If you want to prepare Rewards that you would not like to be available immidealtely in the Rewards Shop, you can set the status to “DRAFT” instead.



Coin Value and Accounting

  • The recommended starting coin value is 0.1 SEK/NOK/DKK or 0.01 EUR. The accounts balancing for streaks and achievements is based on said value.

  • Earned coins are recorded in the accounting as a liability (debt) to customers.

5. Streaks

  • If you decided to call Streaks something else, enter the new name under “Title”.

6. Other - add content to the “About” page

Loyalty program → “Other” tab

This information is used in a guide that will be shown for the members first time they open the app, after you have activated the loyalty program in BRP for the members.

  • Fill out the information in one or more languages.

7. Notifications

You can setup notifications to the Loyalty program users in the Notifications tab. These are disabled by default.


Achievements -Almost there (push)
When the user has completed 90% of what is needed to get an achievement, they will receive a push message in their phone.

Achievements - Congratulations (email)
When the user has completed an achievement, they will receive an e-mail message.

Streaks - Almost there (push)
When the user need one more visit/workout or class attendance this week to reach a streak goal, they will receive a push message in their phone.

Streaks - Congratulations (email)
When the user has reached a streak goal, they will receive an e-mail message.

Level - Congratulations (email)
When the user reaches a new level, they will receive an e-mail message.

E-mail -and push messages are only sent to users who have given consent for mass email/push.

There are default messages templates set up for the above messages, but it is possible to customize the messages being sent out. The message templates are found in BRP Configuration > Messages > search for ‘Loyalty’ and you will find the relevant message templates prefixed with ‘Loyalty’.

8. Refer a friend

This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.

Loyalty program → “Refer a friend” tab

Let your customers refer their friends and get a reward when their friends sign up and become members. When activated, users will be able to share a unique referral link from the app to their friends and family.

  • Enable “refer a friend” in the mobility app in order to display the referral link in the Loyalty Program.

  • Enter how many coins the referrer and the referred friend should get. See “Reward for a referral” below for more info.

  • Enter a title and description in one or more languages.

  • Choose which web category the friend will be redirected to through the link.

  • Enter a “Default message when sharing the referral link”. This is the message that will be sent together with the link when a user shares their link.

  • Select a Lead Source (optional). A lead source is a label that later on will help if you want to keep track of how new customers are acquired.

    • Create a lead source in BRP Configuration > Persons > Lead sources.

Reward for a referral

For each successful referral where a friend purchases a subscription using the referral link, the referrer and the referred friend will both be rewarded with a certain amount of coins (as decided above). Additionally, the referrer will unlock a tiered achievement, earning an extra 50 coins for the 1st, 5th, 10th and 15th successful referral.

Terms and conditions for referring or taking part of a referral offer

Before sharing the referral link to someone else, the member will have the option to read terms and conditions for referring someone. Similarly, if a person wants to take part of a referral offer, they will get the option to read terms and conditions for signing up through a referral.

Create message templates for these texts. It is recommended to highlight the coin reward for the referring member and emphasize any special offer the friend will receive upon signing up (if applicable).

BRP Configuration → Settings → Messages

  • Conditions when referring

  • Conditions for taking part of a referral offer





Now all configuration tabs are completed.
See below information for the remaining configuration needed in BRP Cloud.

Set “Subscription type” for all training subscriptions

BRP Configuration → Products → Products

  • On every subscription product that gives access to training (meaning not memberships without training access and not for additions such as insurances or locker subscriptions), select the subscription type “Gives access to training (used for loyalty statistics)” on the Subscription tab. This will be used for Loyalty statistics.


Set a “Class type” for all class products

BRP Configuration → Products → Products

  • On every class product, select the correct class type on the “Class” tab. This is necessary so that the user can get the right achievements when for example attending five cycle, yoga or dance classes.

    Note! You can add “Class type” to many products at once. Mark the products you want to add a specific Class type to > click on “Change rows” > click on Class type and choose one that fits the marked classes.


Create an info page on your website

We recommend that you create a page on your website specifically for your new Loyalty program, to inform and promote this to your customers. This page can be linked to from the app. If you are using our GoActive! website - add an “information” web category with this information and set the URL to your GoActive! web start page (it is not possible to direkt link to a web category).

Click here to navigate to a template with example text and images.

Once you have created an info page, enter the URL of that page to “Info url” under your Loyalty program → Levels.



Connect the Loyalty Program to one or more apps

BRP Configuration → Web and apps → Apps

When you have created the loyalty program, connect it to an app.

  1. Click on your app and select your program under “Loyalty program”.

  2. Click on Save. The connection has now been done.



Test the functionality

Before enabling the loyalty features in the app for all users, start by testing with only staff, and then move on to a small group of customers. Verify that you are happy with the texts and content in the different sections of the Loyalty program: the level perks for each level, the reward shop and the “About” section.

Test run with staff

After letting your staff test the program and everything is working as intended, we recommend that you let a small group of users test it before you launch it for everyone.

  • On your Loyalty program → Base information, change Disabled to “Enable for staff only”.

Test run with limited users

  • Create a person group for the people that will test loyalty in the app (BRP Configuration → Persons → Person groups)

  • Add the people who should test the program to the same person group

    • Select one or more persons in the person list (Back Office > Persons)

    • Add them to the person group all at once using Tools > Add group

  • On your Loyalty program → Base information, change “Enable for staff only” to “Enable for person group” and add the person group. Now, everyone within that person group will see your Loyalty program in the app.

Activate the Loyalty Program

When all testing is done, it is time to activate your Loyalty program for everyone.

  • On your Loyalty program → Base information, change “Enable for person group” to “Enable for all”.

Loyalty statistics

Users with the right Loyalty - View statistics on their role can view statistics of members' achievements, rewards, reward coins and levels in BRP Back Office.


Backoffice > Statistics > Web & app > Loyalty achievements
Overview of the number of members who have reached each achievement.


Backoffice > Statistics > Web & app > Loyalty rewards
Overview of claimed rewards.

Reward coins

Backoffice > Statistics > Web & app > Loyalty reward coins
Overview of the total coins spent and earned by members, along with the overall balance, representing the "coin debt" owed to all members.


Backoffice > Statistics > Web & app > Loyalty levels
Overview of the number of members who have reached each level.

Search for persons with a certain Loyalty level


In BRP Back Office > Persons, it is possible to search on persons with a certain Loyalty Level.

This makes it possible to filter out and list members based on which Loyalty level they have reached.

Information on Person card

The Loyalty level will also be visible as a badge on the Person card for each person: (TP60869/GA2024.32)
The badge will be displayed when a person reaches a level above 'Start', such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Elite. A Start-level badge will not be displayed.

Information about a person’s level, points, coins, streaks and achievements can be viewed on the Loyalty tab of the person card: (TP53699 / 2025.02)

Search for persons who has been recruited (Refer a friend)


In BRP Back Office > Subscriptions, it is possible to search on:

  • All who has been recruited

  • Persons who has been recruited by a specific member

Click on ‘Advanced selection’ → choose ‘Subscription. You will find ‘Recruiter’ and 'Has recruiter’ in the list.


Click on the images to expand.



Loyalty setup checklist



Necessary settings and rights are activated


Base information & Loyalty concept names added


“Subscription type” is set for all training subscriptions


Class types are added to classes


Rewards (value cards) for the reward shop are created


Level perks are added


Texts to the ‘About page’ are added


An info page on your website are created (optional!) and link added to it


The loyalty program is connected to one or more apps


The Loyalty program is tested with a limited set of users


The Loyalty program is activated for all members


Loyalty program maintenance

Updating facilities for an app

If you are adding more facilities to get access to your BRP app, you need to connect this facility to the Loyaly program. This is done in BRP Configuration > Web and apps > Apps > Select the app > click on “Sync to Gwen Integration Service”. (Gwen is the Loyalty program platform which BRP is connected to)

Loyalty FAQ



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