Internal Tracking Information Collection by BRP

Internal Tracking Information Collection by BRP

This page describes how to disable Google Analytics internal data collection by BRP


As a part of the Google Analytics use in the BRP app and web , by default, the BRP end will receive access to certain client tracking information.

In certain instances, the clients might not need the BRP end to receive the google analytics data due to the company rules or any other regulations related to revealing sensitive data.

This feature is useful in such cases to prevent BRP from receiving any tracking data.

Settings and Configurations


This is a system-level setting that is only accessible by BRP employees.

In the default value field, the Google Analytics tracking ID for the BRP will be added as shown below.


If the client wishes to prevent BRP from receiving the tracking data, disableGoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode should be enabled.

This can be done by changing the ‘Default Value’ field to ‘Yes’.