Instructions how to migrate to Google Analytics 4

Instructions how to migrate to Google Analytics 4


We currently have support to track a set of events in the BRP app & web (how many people are visiting the explore page, how many people have clicked on a subscription product/clicked an bought it, how many people have booked a group activity… and more). By using Tag Manager and connect it to the BRP installation, this information can be viewed in Google Analytics.

Current version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) reaches end of life July 1, 2023 and is replaced by a new version: Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Read more about it here.

Actions needed

In order to be able to continue to continue to track events and view this information in Google Analytics, the Universal Analytics version needs to be migrated to Google’s new Analytics version: Google Analytics 4. This since Universal Analytics (the old version) will stop processing data.

Steps to take to Migrate to Google Analytics 4 with Tag Manager

Step 1

First you need to migrate the Analytics property to Google Analytics 4.. These are the options to do so:

  1. Create a Google Analytics 4 property using setup Assistant (Recommended method)

  2. Create Google Analytics 4 property directly without assistance


Step 2

After the migration, you need to connect your Google Tag Manager account with the new Google Analytics property. For that you need to:

  1. Create new tags to support GA 4, for that they can import this container template:
    , which includes all the required tracking tags. (Import template using Tag Manager Dashboard -> Admin -> Import Container)

    Note: Please select below option while importing container template

    Import template options

    2. Update the GA PROD4 variable value with your Google Analytics 4 measurement id by Tag

    Manager Dashboard -> Workspace -> Variables -> GA4 PROD -> Value


Access and use Google Analytics and Tag Manager Dashboards

From the GA4 dashboard, the following information can be seen:

  • Google Analytics 4 events can be monitored through:
    Analytics Dashboard -> Reports -> Engagement -> Events: Event name

    GA4 Event Report

  • Pageviews can be monitored from:
    Analytics Dashboard -> Reports -> Engagement -> Pages and screens

    Note: Make sure to customize the report to show data using Page path and screen class


  • Real-time data can be monitored through,
    Analytics Dashboard -> Reports -> Realtime -> Realtime Overview


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