Payment Method
Enter a name that clearly indicates the method of payment, e.g., "Cash" or "Wellness Voucher."
Select the account to which this payment method will be posted.
Account Deviation
Specify the facilities where a different account should be used for this payment method. If a facility is not listed, the account entered in the Account field is used.
Use as Register Payment
Check this box if the payment method should be available for use at the cash register.Use as Invoice Payment
Check this box if the payment method should be available for paying invoices.Use as Internet Payment
The payment method can be used for payment via your online booking system.Quick Button for No-Change Payment
Check this box if a quick button should be available at the cash register for exact payments where no change is given.Rounding
Used at the cash register to determine whether amounts should be rounded. For example, cash payments should have this option enabled, while card payments should not. Other payment methods depend on your preference.Use during register check
Check this box if the payment method should be included in the cash reconciliation. Cash is typically reconciled, while card payments processed via an integrated card terminal usually are not. Reconciliation cannot be activated for payment methods involving another currency.Does Not Allow Change
Check this box if the payment method does not allow change. Any surplus amount will then be recorded as income in the account selected under "Surplus Amount Account." For refunds, the corresponding amount will be deducted from that account. Refunds for purchases made with a payment method that does not allow change can only be processed using a payment method that also does not allow change.Other Currency
Check this box if the payment method represents a payment in a different currency. This cannot be checked for predefined payment methods.Account for Differences
Only needs to be specified if the payment method is included in cash register reconciliation. Select one of the previously registered accounts in which any differences between the cash register report and the reconciliation should be posted.Overpayment Account
See the explanation under "Does Not Allow Change."Exchange Rate
Enter a value if the "Other Currency" box is checked. The amount specified is the unit value in the base currency.Role Limit
If selected, only users with a role chosen in the Roles field can use this payment method.Roles
These are the roles that are allowed to use the payment method when "Restrict by Role" is enabled.
Add roles by clicking the pencil icon in the field to open the dialog.
Hide payment methods in mobility/API
(TP54809 / 2023.4205)
BRP staff can hide a payment method, so that is not available in mobility, but only to integrators.
Prevent some products from being paid with invoice/customer account
(TP63485 / 2025.02)
BRP Configuration → Settings → Settings
Setting | Description |
Prevent payment with invoice / customer account | Select a product label. The invoice and customer account buttons will be disabled in Point of Sale for any products with that label. |