

Kundkiosken ger kunden möjlighet att själv boka plats på gruppaktiviteter samt hämta biljetter till pass som bokats med internetbokningen. En kundkiosk består i regel av en dator med pekskärm, kortläsare för medlemskort samt kvittoskrivare för biljetter.


Alternativ 1: Skapa inpassering när användaren registrerar databärare

  • Inpassering skapas när kort/armband registreras. Kräver abonnemang eller värdekort med entréer.

  • Efter detta kan användaren välja aktiviteter som ingår i abonnemanget/värdekortet.


Alternativ 2: Skapa inpassering när användaren väljer en aktivitet (rekommenderat)

  • Kan användas för att förbruka klipp från rätt klippkort.

  • Kan användas tillsammans med debiterbara gruppaktiviteter.

Debiterbara gruppaktiviteter i kundkiosken

Följande gäller för gruppaktivitetsprodukter med egenskapen "Participants pay for the class"

  • Kunden har bokat en gruppaktivitet och betalat på anläggningen, på webben eller i appen.

    • Biljetten kan hämtas i kundkiosken

    • Hämtas inte biljetten innan släpp av platser sker ingen återbetalning. Ingen noshow skapas eftersom kunden betalat.

  • Kunden har bokat en gruppaktivitet (med pris högre än 0) men inte betalat. Detta kan hända när kunden bokats in från väntelistan. (TP46837 / 2022.4001)

    • Har kunden ett värdekort med produkter (klipp) som matchar gruppaktiviteten kan betalning med värdekortet göras i kundkiosken

    • Annars uppmanas kunden att betala i receptionen

Begränsning: Betalning av bokade men ej betalda gruppaktiviteter måste ske i receptionen eller i kundkiosken. Tar ni betalt för gruppaktiviteter ska inga andra läsare konfigureras att pricka av deltagande på pass.

Biljettutskrifter i kiosk eller vid avprickning i annan läsare är ej möjlig för läsare av typen Metra External (Ref. #4210755)

Knappar för inpasseringstyper

Det går att märka inpasseringar som sker via kiosken med olika inpasseringstyper. Läs mer om detta under Inpasseringstyper (konfigurera).

Use cases - Option 1a

Most common in SE and NO.

The kiosk is configured to create a passage when a data carrier is registered (most common).

  • Supported

    • Entrance with rights (default reader rights, or activity buttons)

      • From a subscription

      • From an entrance value card

      • From a booked class with entrance rights

      • From an event with entrance rights

    • Picking up tickets for booked classes (customer has booked a class that is within the check off interval)

      • When the customer register their data carrier (card/wristband) in the reader, a class ticket is printed and the customer is logged out from the kiosk.

    • Booking classes within the check off interval (drop in)

    • Booking classes outside the check off interval

  • Not supported

    • Paying for classes

Use cases - Option 1b 

Most common in DK.

Customers on the waiting list for a class have priority for slots released before the class starts.

  • All cases in option 1a

  • The customer is on the waiting list for a class that starts in x minutes

    • Customers on the waiting list that are marked as arrived are first in line for any slots that are released (from noshows)

    • There is a separate section "Check off for waiting lists" in the documentation for how to set this up 

Use cases - Option 2

This is the new kiosk flow with many additional options. It allows the customer to pay for classes and entrances using value cards. Which payment method that is used depends on the choices of the customer.

The kiosk is not configured to create a passage when a data carrier is registered (the user has to choose an activity)

Has support for paid classes.

  • Covers all use cases from option 1a and 1b, but no passage is created when the data carrier is registered at the reader. The user first have to select an activity on the screen.

  • The user books a paid class in the kiosk

    • Pay with value card with class product

    • Paid class and Entrance value card - Start at kiosk

      • The entrance is not yet active and if the rights of the entrance would give the person a lower/zero price, that will not be used.

      • If the person first selects an activity button so that the entrance is active, and then register the card again, they can book a paid class with the price list from the entrance right.

  • Booked, but not paid class that require payment (within the check off interval)

    • The class has a price higher that zero for this specific customer

      • The person is offered to pay with matching product value card (with classes)

      • If there is no matching value card, or if the person chooses not to pay with it, they are asked to pay at the reception

    • The price for this specific customer is zero (based on price list)

      • The participant is marked as arrived, and a ticket is printed.

    • Paid class and Entrance value card - Checked off before kiosk (not allowed)

      • We do not recommend configuring readers before the kiosk to check off participation on classes if paid classes are used.

    • Paid class and Entrance value card - Not checked off before kiosk

      • The class must be paid at the reception, since there was a price at the time of the booking of the class, even though the rights from the entrance (when active) would give the person a lower price, or no price, if the booking was made when the entrance is already active.

    • The customer has rights that allow them to pass through the kiosk reader (from a booked class)

    • The customer has booked an unpaid class that starts in x minutes

    • The customer has booked a paid class that starts in x minutes

  • The customer does not have rights that allow them to pass through the kiosk reader (from subscriptions or value cards with entrances)

    • The person is presented with classes that require no rights and can book them

    • No activity buttons (entrance types) are displayed

  • Outside check off interval of booked class

    • Class booking can be cancelled

  • First enter the facility with entrance, then book class (customers with an entry value card can book a paid class free of charge, if the following is true:)

    • The entry product’s right has a pricelist that gives the price zero for the class product.

    • The customer has entered the facility and has an active entry.

    • The class will be free of charge when booking in the kiosk and in resource planner.

    • The entry price can not be applied for existing bookings.

Check of users of family subscriptions

If the setting "checkInFamilySubscriptionUsers" is enabled, the kiosk, and any other reader configured to check off class participants, will check off all family members booked for a class, when a single family member register their card in the reader.  (TP52108 / 2023.2303)

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