1.3.2 Access

1.3.2 Access

Here you can define the time settings for the access functions, e.g., the unlocking time, and the functions of the relay outputs and optocoupler inputs of the GC7.3000.


Short description of settings

  • Unlocking time: This setting determines the time (in seconds) that the unlocking process is active after a user with a valid access authorization identifies themselves at the reader. If a signal is detected by the feedback contact during the unlocking time, the unlocking process is terminated, and the device returns to its default state.

  • Release device at: Here you configure when the unlocking process is considered to be completed by the GT7 or GC7. This is possible either as soon as the door is opened or the turnstile is turned (start of the feedback signal) or only when the feedback signal is deactivated again or the door is closed.

  • Deny time: This setting determines the time (in seconds) that the denial process is active after a user with invalid access authorization identifies themselves at the GT7 or GC7.

  • Double door system (timeout): With this locking function, the status of two doors is considered. After passing through the first door, the GT7 or GC7 will continue to block access until the feedback from the second door is deactivated (see optocoupler "Lock feedback"). If the feedback from the second door is not deactivated within the timeout time entered here, the GT7 or GC7 aborts the access process and returns to its default state.

Under the general settings, you can configure the relay outputs and optocouplers inputs.

Relay x: Here you can define the function for each relay of the device (i.e., "Relay 1" to "Relay 6" for the GC7.3000 and "Relay 1" or "Relay 2" for the GT7).

  • Use for: This function is only available for the GC7 controllers. Here you can select the readers for which the respective relay configuration is to be used. The options are "All readers", for the internal reader of the GC7 only, for a specific barcode reader, or an external reader.

  • Function: Select how the relay should function.

    • Transparent: The relay has no function.

    • Unlock: The relay is always activated when a valid authorization has occurred at the GT7 or GC7, e.g., when a user reads their data carrier at the reader and the data carrier is authorized for access.

    • Denied: The relay is always activated when an invalid authorization has occurred at the GT7 or GC7, e.g., when a user reads their data carrier at the reader and the data carrier is currently not authorized for access.

    • External locking: The relay will be activated during a process at the GT7 and GC7 (e.g., an identification via data carrier and granting of access). This signal can be used, for example, to lock a terminal or reader on the opposite side during the process.

  • Mode: Here you can select whether the normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contact of the relay is used. This selection must correspond to the wiring connections of the relays. The NO contact is open in the idle state and is closed when the relay is "activated" (depending on the set function). The NC contact is closed at rest and is opened when the relay is activated.

  • Relay active time: The length of time that the relay is triggered during an activation.

Optocoupler x: Here you can define the function for each digital input of the device ("Optocoupler 1" to "Optocoupler 4" for the GC7 controller and "Optocoupler 1" to "Optocoupler 3" for the GT7).

  • Function: Select here how the output should function.

    • Transparent: The input has no function.

    • Feedback: The input serves as a status message for the access process, i.e., the input is active when the door or the turnstile has been opened or turned after valid identification.

    • Lock: If this input is active, access is not possible. This can be used to temporarily block access, e.g., using a push button.

    • Unlock: If this input is active, the relays set to the "Unlock" function are activated. This allows, e.g., an unlocking via a push button.

    • Unlock permanent: If this input is active, access is permanently enabled, i.e., all relays set to the "Unlock" function are permanently activated. This means that access can be enabled generally via a connected switch as long as the switch is closed.

  • Mode: Here you can select whether the selected function of the optocoupler input is active when a voltage is applied ("make contact") or when the voltage is not applied ("break contact").

IO extensions: When you click on this button, the following menu is displayed:


Here you can add the relays or optocouplers of a connected IO expander or reader. Each time you select a menu option, the corresponding entry is inserted below. The settings for the relays and optocouplers are identical to the GT7 or GC7 relays and optocouplers (see above).