Direct Link to Specific Hidden Subscriptions on the Web

Direct Link to Specific Hidden Subscriptions on the Web

This page describes how to hide subscriptions on the web, only making them available for purchase through direct link


The main objective of this feature is to provide the possibility to “hide” specific subscriptions on the web, and only make them reachable with a direct link. This might be a subscription that you would like to offer exclusively to a group of people without showing it in a web category.

To link to a hidden subscription, that is only reachable via a direct link, you have to set it up like any other purchasable and viewable subscription on the web. The only difference is, we’re going to hide the web category.



1. Create a subscription product

Create the subscription product which you want to offer exclusively through direct linking. The product needs to be “Bookable via internet”. This is done in BRP Configuration > Products > Products > Base information.


2. Create and hide the web category

Hide the web category by unticking all the boxes. This is done in BRP Configuration > Web and app > Web categories.


And add the subscriptions you would like to create a URL for


3. Create the direct link

Copy the link below and change the values in bold.





Where to find the ID


Where to find the ID


The name of your GoActive website

Customer type

BRP Configuration > Persons > Customer type. Open a customer type and hover on the “OK” button to see the ID.


BRP Configuration > Facilites.


BRP Configuration > Products > Products.

Web category

BRP Configuration > Web and app > Web categories.

Add or remove products to the hidden web category, then replace the subscription ID with the product ID you would like to link to. Change the customer type if you want to show a student price instead for example, or the facility ID to make the purchase at different facilities.



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