Pay with Smartum in Mobility


This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.


For users to be able to pay with Smartum in the web and app.


If a customer want to use Smartum in their installation, they should be a partner in Smartum. Then the customer can have multiple venues and the payments are against venues.

Setup values for below setting to enable Smartum Payment Method in BRP (Use production environment’s data)

smartumUrl - (same for all customers) - Root URL of Smartum API. (Production env:

smartumApiPublicKey - (same for all customers) - JWT public key from Smartum API JWT public keys

smartumClientId - (customer specific) - Authorization client ID provided by Smartum

smartumClientSecret - (customer specific) - Authorization client secret provided by Smartum

smartumVenueId - (customer specific) - The ID of the venue receiving the payment

smartumBenefitType - (customer specific) - Benefit type of Smartum payments(exercise, culture)


After that, enable the Smartum Payment Method from Configuration → Payment Method

Limit which products that can be paid using Smartum


If the setting "Enable payment with benefit provider Smartum for products with this product label" is enabled, only products with this label can be paid using Smartum.

Payment Flow

  1. Choose Smartum as payment method

  2. Complete the payment on the Smartum page

  3. Return to the BRP mobility receipt page