Work Shift in Resource Planner
General Information
If a resource has no schedule, its time will appear shaded in gray, indicating it cannot be booked. Work shifts are used for flexible scheduling i.e., for staff. Please note that work shifts for a resource should not be combined with schedules. Work shifts also make it possible to schedule a specific person in a specific room.
Creating a Work Shift for a Resource
In the Resource Planner module, select a time interval for the resource you want to create a work shift for.
Choose to create a Work Shift.
The new work shift will appear with a white background and bold lines at the start and end times.
Work Shift Linked to Facility, Resource, or Product Label
Creating a Linked Work Shift
A linked work shift is shared by one resource marked as staff and another resource. This is useful when staff members need to work in a certain room during their shift. When creating the work shift, also select an additional resource.
After this, both resources will be open and bookable during the selected time. If a service requiring both a room and a staff member is booked on one of the resources in the linked work shift, BRP automatically chooses the correct combination. If the work shift is later changed to another staff member or room, BRP will automatically move any booked products to the new staff/room—provided it is qualified to perform those products.
Lock to Facility
You can restrict the work shift so that bookings can only be created from one specific facility during that time. If you later change this field, existing bookings will not move to another facility automatically. You would need to do that manually if desired.
Restrict a Work Shift to a Product Label
This feature is primarily used for online booking. If a resource should not be available for booking during all of its work shifts, you can restrict the shift to a specific product label. In that case, only products with the selected product label can be booked. See also Restrict a Work Shift to a Product Label.
Extending or Shortening a Work Shift
Press Ctrl+F1 to see shortcut keys that extend or shorten a work shift.
Viewing or Editing a Work Shift
Click the work shift in Resource Planner.
Find the work shift under Configuration > Persons and Resources > Work Shifts.
Changing the Staff Member on a Work Shift
Go to the relevant work shift.
Open the Series tab. You’ll see the selected work shifts for the resource.
Select the work shift that should switch to a different resource.
Choose the new resource.
Confirm the change by clicking OK.
Work Shifts and Schedules (Advanced)
Work shifts and schedules cannot be used simultaneously on the same resource for the same day. If at least one work shift exists on a given day, the schedule is ignored for that resource on that day.
Converting a Schedule to a Work Shift
An open schedule slot can be turned into a work shift if you want to change the availability on a specific day.
Creating a Work Shift for a Resource That Uses a Schedule
The schedule for that day is converted into a work shift. If the shift time remains unchanged, it continues as a schedule.Adding a New Work Shift on the Same Day as a Schedule
If there is an open schedule for a certain day, you can add a work shift during a time that is currently closed.
After you add a work shift to the closed time, the open schedule time on the same day is converted to a work shift.
Note! If all work shifts for a day are removed, and there was previously a schedule for that day, the schedule will reappear.