Unfreeze subscription (next generation wizard)

Unfreeze subscription (next generation wizard)

(TP50398 / 2023.1903)

This wizard, which is available in Beta, can be enabled by BRP staff for a specific role by enabling “Next generation wizard”on a role and adding “Unfreeze subscription” to the next generation wizard options.


Some installations are configured to make the customer pay during a freeze as long as their subscriptions are still bound (the setting “payForFreezeBeforeEnd” = true). This is quite rare, and the wizard is not intended for this use case.

Settings that change the behavior of the wizard

  • minSubscriptionFreezePeriod: If set, will be used to validate against the freeze end date that the user selects from the wizard. If the subscription also has a freeze rule with minimum freeze length set, then the lowest amount of the two will be used for validation.

Related rights

  • “Subscription - Override subscription freeze rules” lets users unfreeze subscriptions that would otherwise violate  its freeze rule.

  • “Invoice”- Enable the option “Create invoice” in payment step.

Message templates (used for instructions)

  • Unfreeze subscription - Step 1 Select subscription

  • Unfreeze subscription - Step 2 Payment

  • Unfreeze subscription - Step 3 Confirmation

Templates can be found in the “Wizards” category in Configuration > Settings > Messages

Only create a custom message template if you wish to override the default template.

Some HTML tags can be used in the message templates

  • <br> for a new line

  • <ul> for an unordered list item (bullet without number)

  • <li> for an ordered list item (bullet with number)

Steps in the Wizard

1 - Select subscription

The subscription which launched the wizard will be pre-selected. The user will be able to select additional frozen subscriptions that they pay for or use.

Unfreeze day field: Let the user select the end date for the freeze.

If the subscription has more than one freezes, the wizard will show and end the first one.

If the selected subscription has a freeze rule which has the properties minimum and maximum length of a freeze configured, then the wizard will validate whether the chosen end date matches the freeze length of the rule. The user will not be able to proceed to the next step, if there was a violation of the rule, unless they chose to override the freeze rule.

2 - Payment

This step is enabled if there is payment to be made when unfreezing the chosen subscriptions.

The choices are,

  • Pay in point of sale (an active Point of Sale unit is required)

  • Create invoice (the right “Invoice” is required)

  • Open in order panel (so that you can add services or classes to the order before paying)

3 - Summary

This will summarize selections of previous steps. The user can go back and change the data if necessary before completing the wizard.


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