BI - Measures

BI - Measures

In this section of the documentation we have gathered information of all measures used in BI reports. The measures are grouped under subsections as per below table of content. Please note that this is only an indication on where the measure in question is most likely to appear in the reports, but a measure under subsection “Members” could also potentially be used in other subsection.








Age New Memberships

The average age for new members at the actual start date.

The total age of new members is divided by the total number of new members in the given period.

Age Terminated Members

The average age for terminated members at the actual termination date.

The total age of terminated members is divided by the total number of terminated members in the given period.

Age Overall

The average age for all members.

The average age of all members. Including new members, terminated members and frozen members during the given period.

Churn %

The number of members that ended their subscription during the given period. Shown in percentage over ingoing members in the same period.

Calculation: Terminated Members/Members IB


Churn % LY

The number of members that ended their subscription during the given period last year. Shown in percentage over ingoing members in the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen IB

Distinct count of ingoing frozen memberships during the given period.

A membership is shown as “Frozen IB” up until and including the day that the freeze ends.

Frozen IB Diff

Difference of distinct count of ingoing frozen memberships during the given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen IB Diff %

Difference of distinct count of ingoing frozen memberships during the given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen IB LY

Distinct count of ingoing frozen memberships the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen UB

Distinct count of outgoing frozen memberships during the given period.

A membership is shown as “Frozen UB” up until the day before the last day of the freeze period.

Frozen UB Diff

Difference of distinct count of outgoing frozen memberships during the given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen UB Diff %

Difference of distinct count of outgoing frozen memberships during the given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Frozen UB LY

Distinct count of outgoing frozen memberships the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Members IB

The total number of ingoing members during the given period.

Members IB as a measure is calculated on smallest date in the given period and includes all members that does not have a frozen membership or is a new member on the given date.

Members IB Diff

The total number of ingoing members during the given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Members IB Diff %

The total number of ingoing members during the given period against last year is shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Members IB LY

The total number of ingoing members, the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Members Net

Difference of new vs terminated members  during the given period.

Calculation: [New Members]-[Terminated Members]

Negative value in the Members Net metric means that terminated members are greater than new members for the given period.

Members Net %

Net members against ingoing members during the selected period in percent.

Calculation: [Members Net]/[Members IB]

Members Net % LY

Net members against ingoing members during the selected period LY in percent.

No further explanation needed.

Members Net LY

Difference of new vs terminated members during the selected period LY.

No further explanation needed.

Members UB

The total number of outgoing members during the given period.

For a membership to be included in the count of Members OB, one of the following two conditions must be met:

Both FlagMemberOut and FlagFrozen must equal 0.

FlagMemberOut is set to 1 on the day a membership ends, and FlagFrozen is set to 1 for the entire period during which a membership is frozen.

Both FlagFrozen and FlagFrozenOut must equal 1. FlagFrozenOut is set to 1 on the day the membership freeze period ends. On the last day of a freeze period, the membership is counted as 1 Member OB.

Example: Member buys membership starting 2023-07-24 through 2024-06-18, in between the person freezes his/her membership between 2023-12-07 to 2024-04-07.
_FlagMemberOut = 2024-06-18
_FlagFrozen = will be 1 between 2023-12-07 to 2024-04-07
_FlagFrozenOut = 2024-04-07

Member UB will therefore show 1, the dates 2023-07-24 to 2023-12-06 and then 2024-04-07 to 2024-06-17.

Calculation: count({<Date={"$(=Max(Date))"}>} distinct "Member UB")

Members UB Diff

Difference of total number of outgoing members during the given period against the same period last year.

Calculation: [Members UB]-[Members UB LY]

Members UB Diff %

Difference of total number of outgoing members during the given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Members UB LY

The total number of outgoing members, the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Members UB R24

The total number of outgoing members last 24 months.

No further explanation needed.

Membership Life Time

The average lifetime of active membership.

This measure calculates number of months that a person has been a member. If several subscriptions exists over multiple periods of time, the smallest start date of a subscription will be used as long as the person is not considered a member out in between subscriptions.

Membership Life Time Diff

The lifetime of an active membership against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Membership Life Time Diff %

The lifetime of an active membership against the same period last year is shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Membership Life Time LY

The lifetime of active membership for the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

New Members

New members for the period.

A person is considered a new member on the day the membership starts. FlagMemberIn will equal 1 the date a membership is activated and 0 all other dates that the membership is active.

Calculation: count(distinct "Member In")

New Members Diff

New members for the period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

New Members Diff %

New members for the period against the same period last year are shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

New Members LY

New members the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Terminated Members

Terminated memberships in the given period.

A person is considered to have a terminated membership on the date their membership ends, meaning it is not being renewed. MemberOut is set to True (1) on the date the membership ends and remains False (0) on all other dates while the membership is active.

If subscription for example runs between 2023-10-24 and 2024-10-23, MemberOut will be 1 on the last day of the subscription period (2024-10-23).

Calculation: Terminated Members = count(distinct "Member Out")

Terminated Members Diff

Terminated memberships in a given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Terminated Members Diff %

Terminated memberships in a given period against the same period last year are shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Terminated Members LY

Terminated memberships the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Training Frequency Yearly


Calculation: [Training Occasions Yearly]/count({<_FlagMemberActive={1},Date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(Date)))<=$(=YearEnd(Max(Date)))"},Year=,YearMonth=,DA_ShowLastDays=,EN_ShowLastDays=,NB_ShowLastDays=,SV_ShowLastDays=>}distinct %PersonID)

Training Frequency Yearly LY


Calculation: [Training Occasions Yearly LY]/count({<_FlagMemberActive={1},Date={">=$(=Addyears(YearStart(Max(Date)),-1))<=$(=Addyears(YearEnd(Max(Date)),-1))"},Year=,YearMonth=,DA_ShowLastDays=,EN_ShowLastDays=,NB_ShowLastDays=,SV_ShowLastDays=>}distinct %PersonID)

Training Occasions Yearly

Number of visits per year

Calculation: Sum({<Date={">=$(=YearStart(Max(Date)))<=$(=YearEnd(Max(Date)))"},Year=,YearMonth=,DA_ShowLastDays=,EN_ShowLastDays=,NB_ShowLastDays=,SV_ShowLastDays=>} Visit)

Training Occasions Yearly LY

Number of visits per year the same period last year

Calculation: Sum({<Date={">=$(=Addyears(YearStart(Max(Date)),-1))<=$(=Addyears(YearEnd(Max(Date)),-1))"},Year=,YearMonth=,DA_ShowLastDays=,EN_ShowLastDays=,NB_ShowLastDays=,SV_ShowLastDays=>} Visit)

Members IB Attrition

Distinct count of ingoing members up until and including most recently completed month.

Calculation: count(distinct {<_YearMonthCounter= {"<=$(vPreviousYearMonthCounter)"}>} "Member IB")

Members UB Attrition

Distinct count of outgoing members up until and including most recently completed month.

Calculation: count(distinct {<_YearMonthCounter= {"<=$(vPreviousYearMonthCounter)"}>} "Member UB")

Avg Members YearMonth

Average member count up until and including most recently completed month.

Calculation: ([Members IB Attrition]+[Members UB Attrition])/2

Terminated Members Attrition

Terminated memberships count up until and including most recently completed month.

Calculation: count(distinct {<_YearMonthCounter= {"<=$(vPreviousYearMonthCounter)"}>} "Member Out")

Monthly Attrition Rate

Monthly attrition refers to the percentage of members who cancel or do not renew their memberships within a given month

Calculation: [Terminated Members Attrition]/[Avg Members YearMonth]





Active Members

Distinct count of members that visited a facility in the given period.

The person should have passed through the door in the given period and be a member in order to be counted as an active member.

Calculation: count({<_FlagMemberActive={1}>}distinct %PersonID)

Active Members %

Share of members that visited a facility in the given period.

Calculation: [Active Members]/[Potential Members].

A person is a potential member when he or she has a subscription where the selected period in BI falls within the interval of start date and end date of the subscription.

Active Members % LY

Share of members that visited a facility in the given period shown in percentage for the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Active Members LY

Distinct count of members that visited a facility in the given period for the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Active Members on Group Activities

Share of active members that participated in a group activity in the given period.

Member with a subscription who have attended a group activity during the given period divided by active members in the given period.

Inactive Members

Count of inactive members in the given period. Total members minus active members.

A member is considered inactive when he or she has a subscription but hasn’t passed through the door during the given period.

Calculation: [Potential Members]-[Active Members]

Inactive Members LY

Count of inactive members in the given period during last year. Total members the same period last year minus active members the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Potential Members

The total number of members during the selected period.

A person is a potential member with the same premises as what goes for calculation of “Member UB” (see explanation under subsection Members). Hence, the total number of outgoing members during the given period.

Calculation: count(distinct "Member UB")

Potential Members LY

The total number of members during the selected period LY.

No further explanation needed.


Unique visits at the facility.

Calculation: Count(distinct Visitor)

Visitors Diff

Unique visits at the facility compared to the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Visitors Diff %

Unique visits at the facility compared to the same period last year in percent.

No further explanation needed.

Visitors LY

Unique visits at the facility the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.


The total number of visits at the facility.

Calculation: Sum(Visit)

Visits Diff

The difference in the total number of visits at the facility against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Visits Diff %

The difference in the total number of visits at the facility against the same period last year is shown in the percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Visits LY

The total number of visits at the facility the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Visits per Visitors

Number of visits per visitor in a given period.

Calculation: [Visits]/[Visitors]

Visits per Visitors LY

Number of visits per visitor in a given period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Group activities




Group Activities

Total amount of group activities during the given period.

Note that this measure is not distinctly count, hence it is a summary of the number of all group activity occurrences during the given period.

Group Activities LY

Total amount of group activities during the given period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Group Activities per Visitor

The total number of group activities per visitor in the given period.

No further explanation needed.

Members Group Participant

Share of members that are participating in group activities in the given period.

Calculation: count({<_FlagSubscription={1}, _FlagMemberActive={1},"Group Participant"={1}>}distinct %PersonID)/[Potential Members]

Members that have been participating in a group activity during the given period will be included in this measure.

A person is a potential member when he or she has a subscription where the selected period in BI falls within the interval of start date and end date of the subscription.

Members Group Participant LY

Share of members that are participating in group activities, the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Number Of Slots

The total number of slots that are bookable for a group activity.

No further explanation needed.

Occupancy %

The number of participants is divided by the number of slots for the group activity shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Occupancy % LY

The number of participants divided by the number of slots for the group activity is shown in percentage for the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Occupancy Avg %

The average number of participants in group activities grouped by activity in percent.

No further explanation needed.


The number of participants in a group activity.

The number of participants that actually showed up to the group activity, hence “no shows” are not included.

Participants Avg

The average number of participants in group activities grouped by activity.

Total amount of participants per group activity divided by number of occurrences of each group activity

Participants LY

The number of participants in a group activity.

No further explanation needed.

Participants per Group Activity

The average number of participants in group activities.

Same as above.

Participants per Group Activity LY

The average number of participants in group activities.

No further explanation needed.

Unique Participants

Unique persons participating in group activities

No further explanation needed.





Booking Quantity

Booked quantity in the given period.

Number of service activities during a given period. For example, booking a personal trainer, a massage or a tennis court. All service activities are summarized here, regardless of whether a dedicated resource is associated with each activity or not.

Calculation: sum([Service Activity])

Booking Quantity Diff

Booked quantity in a given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Booking Quantity Diff %

Booked quantity in a given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Booking Quantity LY

Booked quantity the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Booking Quantity

Number of resource bookings during the selected period

Sum of resource bookings during the given period, both facilities and staff bookings are included.

In contrast to “Booking Quantity”, “Resource Booking Quantity” takes into consideration that a each service activity summarized in fact should be associated with a dedicated resource.

Calculation: sum({<_FlagHasResource={1}>}[Service Activity])

Resource Booking Quantity Diff

Number of resource bookings during the selected period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Booking Quantity Diff %

Number of resource bookings during the selected period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Booking Quantity LY

Number of resource bookings during the selected period LY.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Scheduled

Scheduled resources in the given period.

Resource scheduled is presented as fraction of the 24 hour day. If the resource in question is associated with a schedule this schedule will decide what is presented as “scheduled/planned time”. For example see below how it could look when selecting just one specific date:


Scheduled time can also be defined by a resource work shift hours.

Calculation: time(sum(scheduled/60/24),'hh:mm')

Resource Scheduled LY

Scheduled resources in the given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Usage %

Resource usage in the given period is shown in percentage.

Calculation: [Resource Worked]/[Resource Scheduled]

Resource Usage LY %

Resource usage in the given period shown in percentage

No further explanation needed.

Resource Worked

Worked time for a resource in the given period.

Resource worked is presented as fraction of the 24 hour day. Data displayed in BRP resource planner will be mirrored here. Same fraction logic applies here as for the measure “Resource scheduled”.

Calculation: time(sum(worked/60/24),'hh:mm')

Resource Worked LY

Worked time for a resource the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Service Product Sales Amount

Sales amount in the given period.

Sum of register amount with product type marked as “Service”.

Calculation: Sum({<[Product Type]={'SERVICE'}>}[Register Amount])

Service Product Sales Amount Diff

Sales amount in a given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Service Product Sales Amount Diff %

Sales amount in a given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Service Product Sales Amount LY

Sales amount the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Sales Amount

Sales amount in the given period.

Total sales in the given period, booked to revenue accounts 3000-3999, and associated with a resource.

Calculation: Sum({<[_FlagUseForRevenue]={1}, [_FlagHasResource]={1}>}[Register Amount])

Resource Sales Amount Diff

Sales amount in a given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Sales Amount Diff %

Sales amount in a given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Resource Sales Amount LY

Sales amount the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.





Revenue per Member

Membership income divided by the total number of members.

Calculation: [Revenue]/[Members OB].

Note that “members outgoing balance” is calculated on the max date selected whereas Revenue is summarized on the range of dates picked in the report. Therefore Revenue per member as measure will be higher when end user selects a larger range of dates and smallest when only for example last day is selected.


Revenue in the given period. The total amount of all accounts that has the “FlagUseForRevenue” parameter set to 1 (all revenue accounts 3000-3999).

Calculation: Sum({<_FlagUseForRevenue={1}>}[Register Amount])

Revenue per Member LY

Membership income last year divided by the total number of members last year.

No further explanation needed.

Sales Amount

Total sales amount in the given period. The total amount of all accounts that has the “FlagUseForRevenue” parameter set to 1 (all revenue accounts 3000-3999) and that also are booked against a specific product.

Calculation: Sales Amount=  Sum({<_FlagUseForRevenue={1}, _FlagHasProduct={1}>}[Register Amount]). Sales amount as measure does not include register amounts that are not associated with/booked against a specific product. For example accrual of revenue or other technical accounting procedures are not included in this amount.

See below an example/visualization of how Revenue and Sales amount as measures differ between each other.

*N/A = not applicable

Sales Amount Diff

Total sales amount in a given period against the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.

Sales Amount Diff %

Total sales amount in a given period against the same period last year shown in percentage.

No further explanation needed.

Sales Amount LY

Total sales amount, the same period last year.

No further explanation needed.







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