Error codes
Code | Tag | Description |
1101 | invalidValue | Invalid parameter value |
1102 | mandatoryParameter | Required parameter missing |
1103 | objectExists | The object already exists |
1104 | noSuchBusinessUnit | The business unit/facility does not exist |
1105 | wrongFormat | Invalid format - must be either xlm or json |
1106 | objectNotBelongingToAuthUser | The object does not belong to the authenticated user |
1107 | noSuchObject | There is no such object |
1108 | invalidAccess | Invalid access |
1109 | noMandatoryFilter | No required filter specified |
1110 | invalidXml | XML does not follow the specified schema |
1111 | invalidConfiguration | Missing or invalid configuration required for the attempted action |
1112 | unknownError | lp0 on fire |
1113 | outOfMemoryError | Out of memory |
1114 | maxRangeExceeded | The maximum duration from start to end has been exceeded. |
1115 | requestTimeout | The request has timed out |
1116 | noSuchRole | The role does not exist |
1117 | roleNotAssignableViaApi | The role can not be assigned via API |
Code | Tag | Description |
1001 | suspendedNotAllowedToBook | Unable to book due to suspension |
1002 | notAllowedToBookDueToNoshows | Unable to book due to too many missed group activities/classes (so called noshows) (limits are configurable) |
1003 | unpayedInvoiceNotAllowedToBook | Unable to book due to late invoice |
1004 | isNotAllowedToBook | Unable to book due to to insufficient rights |
1005 | passCancelledNotAllowedToBook | Unable to book as the group activity/class is cancelled |
1006 | cannotBookNoFreeSlots | Unable to book due to insufficient room |
1007 | bookingClashes | Unable to book due to conflict with earlier bookings |
1008 | cannotBook | Unable to book due to booking rules (configurable) |
1009 | cannotBookDebookWaitinglist | Unable to book due as user is aleady on a waiting list for the same activity |
1010 | cannotBookNoFreeSlots | Unable to book due to insufficient room |
1012 | noSuchService | Unable to book due as there is no such service product |
1013 | noSuchServiceBooking | No such service booking |
1014 | debookErrorOnlyOwn | Unable to cancel as booking belongs to another person |
1015 | debookErrorDebitedNotAllowed | Unable to cancel as booking is already debited |
1016 | debookErrorTooClose | Unable to cancel as start is to soon (configurable) |
1017 | cannotDeletePreliminaryDebited | Unable to cancel as the booking is preliminary |
1018 | cannotBookNoFreeSlots | Unable to book as no room is available |
1019 | alreadyOnWaitingList | Person already on waiting list, cannot book |
1020 | alreadyBooked | Person already booked, cannot book again |
1021 | tooLateToBookWaitingList | Unable to book reserve spot as the start is to soon (configurable) |
1022 | waitinglistBookingClashes | Unable to book reserve spot due to conflict with previous bookings |
1023 | previousWaitingOverlaps | Unabel to book reserve spot as it conflicts with previous reserve spot bookings |
1024 | notOkToBook | Unable to book due to booking rules (configurable) |
1025 | cannotDeleteWithPrintedTicket | Unable to cancel group activity as the ticket has already been printed |
1026 | cannotBookWaitinglistWhenOrdinaryLeft | Unable to book reserve spot as there are regular spots available |
1027 | notAllowedToDebookingAnonymousOrderItem | Unable to cancel anonymous order. (Requires a level 3 API key and parameter "anonymous") |
1028 | bookingTermsNotAccepted | Unable to book as user has not yet accepted terms & conditions |
1029 | couldNotDebookDueToTechnicalProblems | Unable to book due to technical reasons |
1030 | waitingListNotAllowedOnProduct | Waitinglistbookings are not allowed on groupactivities that are debitable |
Event bookings
Code | Tag | Note |
1053 | noSuchEvent | Event does not exist |
1054 | noSlotsAvailable | No room left in event |
1055 | alreadyParticipating | Already participating in event |
1056 | errorWithCreateEventBooking | An error occurred when booking event |
1057 | wrongType | Invalid type |
1058 | outsideBookingInterval | Cannot perform the event booking before or after the booking interval |
1059 | eventBookingDebited | Eventbooking is debited. Cannot add or remove participants. |
1060 | tooFewParticipants | Cannot delete last participant |
1061 | participantNotInEventBooking | Participant do not belong to the event booking |
Code | Tag | Note |
1301 | duplicateEmail | E-mail address already in use |
1302 | duplicatePersonnumber | Personal ID number already in use |
1303 | invalidPersonnumber | Invalid personal ID number |
1304 | missingEmail | E-mail address missing |
1305 | personTooYoung | The person is younger than the Internet registration limit set in BRP |
1306 | personGroupHasDifferentBU | The persongroup and the person belongs to different business units |
1307 | duplicateCardnumber | Card number already in use |
1308 | whitespaceNotAllowed | Whitespace not allowed for cardnumber |
1309 | singleParameterSexNotAllowed | Sex as single parameter is not allowed. |
1310 | invalid.personnumber.blocked | Personal ID number has been blocked |
1311 | | Email has been blocked |
1312 | invalid.phonenumber.blocked | Mobile number has been blocked |
1313 | insufficientPermissionsToAdministerEmployees | A higher API key level is needed to administer employees |
Code | Tag | Note |
1501 | duplicateOrganizationnumber | Organizationnumber already in use |
1502 | invalidOrganizationnumber | Invalid organizationnumber |
1503 | organizationGroupHasDifferentBU | The organizationgroup and the organization belongs to different business units |
Code | Tag | Note |
1601 | paymnetOfEmptyOrder | Payment of an empty order |
1602 | wrongAmount | Incorrent amount |
1603 | valueCardProductTypeCannotPayOrder | The value card cannot be used to pay for this order |
1604 | noInternetRegisterUnit | There is no internet cash register configured yet |
1605 | valueCardHasExpired | the value card has expired |
1606 | valueCardDoesNotCoverOrder | The value card does not cover the full amount of the order |
1607 | resourceDoesNotBelongToUnit | The resource belongs to another business unit |
1608 | resourceRequirementDoesNotBelongToProduct | The resoruce is not a valid resource requirement for the product |
1609 | e.message | Unable to create service booking |
1610 | noRightsForServiceBooking | The person does not have sufficient rights to book this product |
1611 | selectedDateTooEarly | The date is to early |
1612 | selectedBookingIsBreakingBookingRules | The booking violates configured booking rules |
1613 | selectedTimeNotBookable | The time is not valid |
1614 | invoiceBelongsToOtherCompany | The invoice belongs to another company |
1615 | invoiceBelongsToOtherUser | The invoice belongs to another user |
1616 | amountNotPositive | The invoice must be paid with a positive amount |
1617 | noOrder | No order specified |
1618 | valueCardIsNotInCorrectCurrency | The value card was created in a different currency than that of the order |
1619 | noCustomerOnOrder | The order has no customer |
1620 | orderNotAnonymous | The order is not anonymous |
1621 | orderAlreadyDebited | The order is debited in full |
1622 | resourceNotSelectableFromInternet | The sent in resource is not selectable from internet |
Code | Tag | Note |
1401 | orderCantBeDeleted | The order cannot be removed |
1402 | orderIsNotEmptyCantBeDeleted | Only empty orders may be removed |
1403 | orderCouldNotBeSetToPreliminary | The order status could not be set as preliminary |
1404 | notPossibleToChangeCustomerOnDebitedOrder | The orderer cannot be changed on debited orders |
1405 | notPossibleToAddCouponsOnNonPreliminaryOrder | Not possible to add coupons to an non-preliminary ofrder. |
Code | Tag | Note |
1701 | productNotBookableFromInternet | The product may not be booked through the internet |
1702 | productHasNoResourceRequirements | The product is missing a valid resource requirement |
1703 | maxRangeExceeded | The maximum range from start to end has been exceeded |
Code | Tag | Note |
1801 | postCannotBeErased | The subscription cannot be be removed |
1802 | subscriptionCannotBeErasedItIsValid | The subscription is valid and can therefore not be removed |
1803 | subscriptionIsAContract | The subscription is a contract |
1804 | subscriptionNotBelongingToUser | The subscription belongs to another user |
1805 | productDoesNotRequireSignature | The product does not require a signature |
1806 | newBusinessUnitBelongsToOtherCompany | The new business unit does not belong to the same company as the existing business unit on the subscription |
Code | Tag | Note |
1901 | orderNotPreliminary | The order is not preliminary and can therefore not be modified |
1902 | orderItemNotInOrder | The order row belongs to a differnt order |
1903 | orderItemNotInternetBooking | The order row was not booked via the internet |
1904 | orderItemProductNotDebitable | The product is not debitable |
1905 | orderItemIsActivityBooking | The order row is an activity booking |
1906 | orderItemValueCardIsNotTemporary | The voucher is not termporary |
1907 | deleteNotAllowed | May not be deleted |
1908 | productAdjustPaymentsToEndOfMonth | The product adjusts/synchronizes payments to the end of the calender month |
1909 | debitIntervalNotOneMonth | The product debit range is not one month |
1910 | productNotInPackage | The product is not included in the specified deal |
1911 | onlyUseAsPackagePart | The product may only be booked as part of a package |
1912 | orderBelongsToOtherBu | The order belongs to a different business unit |
1913 | releaseSuspensionProductNotAllowedToAdd | The release suspension product is not allowed to add. The customer must have more or equal nr of noshows than businessunit.maxnumberofnoshows |
Direct debit
Code | Tag | Note |
2001 | invalidPersonnumber | The personal ID number is invalid |
2002 | incorrectClearingNrOrBankaccountNr | Either the clearing number or account number are invaldid (or both) |
2003 | invalidStateAtBgc | The direct debit consent has an improper status |
2004 | directDebitAlreadyRegistered | The person already has a direct debit consent registered |
2005 | insufficientAgeForDirectDebit | The person is not old enough to have a direct debit consent registered |
Personal ID number lookup
Code | Tag | Note |
2100 | personLookupNotActivated | Is not activated |