Retrieve NoShows
Retrieves noshows for a specified person. A noshow is created when a person does not show up for booking. see Dropin and removal of noshows and Manage noshows
For removing noshows see Adding a release suspension product
HTTP GET to /noshows
Name | Required | Value | Description | Date type | Default |
personid | No | personid=8 | The selected person to retrieve noshows for. Specific for API level 3, other levels will only retrieve noshows for the logged on user. | ID |
businessunitid | No | businessunitid=4 | Only retrieves noshows for specified business unit/facility | ID |
startdate | No | startdate=2014-01-28 | Interval start date for displayed noshows. | Date |
enddate | No | enddate=2014-12-31 | Interval end date for displayed noshows | Date | |
status | No | status=ACTIVE,PAID | Only list noshows with specified status. | See status below |
Tag | Data type | Example | Description |
noshows |
| <noshows> | root-tag that encloses noshows |
noshow |
| <noshow> | Encloses a noshow |
id | ID | <id>294</id> | ID for noshow object |
timepoint | Time | <timepoint> | Start time for the booking the customer missed |
status | Text | <status>OLD</status> | The current status of the no-show object |
person | <person> | ID and name of the personal linked to the no-show object | |
businessunit | <businessunit> | ID and name of the business unit/faciltiy linked to the no-show object. | |
product | <product> | ID and name of the product linked to the no-show object. | |
bookingid | ID | <bookingid>34</bookingid> | ID for the booking linked to the no-show object. Either a class (group activitity) or a service booking. |
<noshows> <noshow> <id>294</id> <timepoint> <timestamp>1255975020</timestamp> <datetime>2009-10-19 19:57</datetime> <date>2009-10-19</date> <time>19:57</time> </timepoint> <status>OLD</status> <person> <id>2</id> <name>Jane Doe</name> </person> <businessunit> <id>1</id> <name>Main Street</name> </businessunit> <product> <id>3</id> <name>Zumba</name> </product> <bookingid>1</bookingid> </noshow> </noshows>
Namn | Värde |
NOT_PROCESSED | Har ännu inte bearbetats. Vid bearbetnings stängs kunden av eller varnas beroende på inställningarna. Normalt skapas NoShow vid släpp av platser innan bokningens start och bearbetas kommande natt. |
ACTIVE | Aktiv noshow. Räknas med i antal missade aktiviteter. |
PAID | Deltagaren har betalat avstängningsavgiften för denna noshow. |
MANUALLY_INACTIVATED | Denna noshow har manuellt ignorerats och räknas därför inte. |
ARRIVED_LATE | Deltagaren ankom efter att noshows skapats. Räknas ej. |
OLD | Äldre än systeminställningen för "Avskrivningstid för noshows" som default är 365 dagar. |