eventbookings (Level 3 API Key)
eventbookings (Level 3 API Key)
List eventbooking
With a 3rd level API key it is possible list an eventbooking without specifying a person. (from version 2016.1103)
HTTP GET to /eventbookings/{id}.xml
Name | Required | Value | Description |
id | Yes | id=44 | Id of the eventbooking |
Modify eventbooking
Modifies an eventbooking. Deprecated (Use Participants instead)
Name | Required | exempelvärde | förklaring | Värdemängd/Datatyp |
participantid | No | participantid=17 | The ID of the individual that should be set as participant on the eventbooking. The given ID must exist in BRP. | ID |
participantfirstname | No | participantfirstname=John | The first name of the participant if they do not exist in the customer database | String |
participantlastname | No | participantlastname=Doe | The last name of the participant if they do not exist in the customer database | String |
internalmessage | No | internalmessage=someMessage | Will be set as internal message on the eventbooking | String |
externalmessage | No | externalmessage=someOtherMessage | Will be set as externa message on the eventbooking | String |
PUT:APIURL/eventbookings/{id}.xml?apikey=338934897438&anonymous=true&participantid=17 or PUT:APIURL/eventbookings/{id}.xml?apikey=338934897438&anonymous=true&participantfirstname=John&participantlastname=Doe
Same as list of eventbooking