Upcoming events for authenticated user
Retrieve not yet started event bookings where the logged on user is either the orderer or the participant. Requires basic HTTP-authentication.
To list/modify the participants on the booking, see Participants
HTTP GET to /eventbookings
Parameters (fr.o.m. 25.478)
Name | Required | Value | Description | Value if none are set |
startdate | No | startdate=2015-02-03 | Start date for selection | today's date |
enddate | No | enddate=2015-02-10 | End date for selection | 31 days from today |
Tag | Date type | Example | Description |
eventbooking |
| <eventbooking> | eventbooking-tag encloses the event booking. |
id | ID | <id>2443</id> | Unique ID |
order | <order><id>8754</id><number>5</number><preliminary>true</preliminary></order> | The order the booking belongs to | |
participants |
| <participants><participant><id>8754</id><personid>5</personid><firstname>Bart</firstname><lastname>Simpson</lastname></participant><participants> | List of participants. id=participant ID (deprecated), personid=participants personid |
orderedby | <orderedby><id>2</id><firstname>Homer</firstname><lastname>Simpson</lastname></orderedby> | The orderer | |
businessunit |
| <businessunit><id>11</id><name>Main Street Gym</name></businessunit> | The business unit/facility the event booking belongs to |
start | Tidpunkt | <start><timepoint><timestamp>1340920800</timestamp><datetime>2015-06-29 00:00</datetime><date>2015-06-29</date><time>00:00</time></timepoint></start> | When the event starts |
end | Tidpunkt | <end><timepoint><timestamp>1340923600</timestamp><datetime>2015-06-30 00:00</datetime><date>2015-06-30</date><time>00:00</time></timepoint></end> | When the event ends |
eventid | ID | <eventid>7567</eventid> | Event ID |
eventmessage | Sträng | <eventmessage>I have some allergies.</eventmessage> | Any messages |
internalmessage | String | <internalmessage> Some internalmessage </internalmessage> | Internal message |
product |
| <product>see products</product> | The product |
<eventbookings> <eventbooking> <id>2443</id> <order> <id>4</id> <number>33</number> <preliminary>true</preliminary> </order> <participants> <participant> <id>70</id> <personid>4</personid> <firstname>Marge</firstname> <lastname>Simpson</lastname> </participant> </participants> <orderedby> <id>2</id> <firstname>Homer</firstname> <lastname>Simpson</lastname> </orderedby> <businessunit> <id>11</id> <name>Main Street Gym</name> </businessunit> <start> <timepoint> <timestamp>1340920800</timestamp> <datetime>2015-06-29 00:00</datetime> <date>2015-06-29</date> <time>00:00</time> </timepoint> </start> <end> <timepoint> <timestamp>1340923600</timestamp> <datetime>2015-06-30 00:00</datetime> <date>2015-06-30</date> <time>00:00</time> </timepoint> </end> <eventid>7567</eventid> <eventmessage>I have some allergies</eventmessage> <internalmessage>Internal message</internalmessage> <externalmessage>External message</externalmessage> <product>#see products#</product> </eventbooking> <eventbookings>