Create account flow

Create account flow

This flow allows the users to create an account on the system without buying a subscription (membership).

To create an account, the user should use the ‘Create Account’ option on the ‘Login Screen’.

The following steps can be identified:

How to configure onboarding questions

Set the primary facility




Enter Personal Identity / Date of Birth

If the user has a SSN, he can always enter it. But, if the user doesn’t have a SSN, he should select the check box in ‘I don’t have a SSN' field and enter the date of birth.

If the user has a SSN,



If the user do not have a SSN,



Enter Personal information

User is allowed to enter his personal data here. Note that this is the only place where the user is allowed to add/edit the ‘Gender’ field. Afterwards, for all the Swedish users with a SSN, personal data will be pulled from the national database during the periodic database look-ups.




Set email, password and mark the consent to agreements and conditions

At this step, the user can configure an email address and a password to his user account.



Answer the onboarding questions

As soon as the user finishes his registration, he will be directed to the onboarding flow, where he’s asked to answer some simple questions. Note that it is not mandatory to fill this out on the same go along with the registration and the user can always revisit these questions and answer them through the ‘Profile Screen’.



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