Cancel subscription (next generation wizard)

Cancel subscription (next generation wizard)

(TP45971 2022.3206)

This is the first of many next generation wizards. It can be enabled by BRP staff by checking “Next generation wizards” on the role.

Settings that change the behaviour of the wizard

  • useTerminationReason (true - if enabled) - Used together with Termination Causes MOV to add step “Termination Reasons”

  • useSubscriptionTerminationConfirmation - Used to add fields with confirmation types

  • productForInvoiceFee - Used to add checkbox with possibility to remove / add invoice fee

  • showInvoiceDayOnSubscriptionDebit - add an input field, that allows to change invoice day 

  • invoiceDays - add an input field, that allows to change invoice due day.

Related rights

  • Cancel subscription - Set cancellation date

  • Subscription - Create final invoice

Message templates (used for instructions)

  • “Wizard - Cancel subscription - Step 1 Select Subscription“

  • “Wizard - Cancel subscription - Step 2 Reasons for cancellation”

  • “Wizard - Cancel subscription - Step 3 Final payment”

  • “Wizard - Cancel subscription - Step 4 Confirmation”

Templates can be found in the “Wizards” category in Configuration > Settings > Messages

Some HTML tags can be used in the message templates

  • <br> for a new line

  • <ul> for an unordered list item (bullet without number)

  • <li> for an ordered list item (bullet with number)

Steps in the Wizard

1 - Select subscriptions

At this step, it is possible to select additional subscriptions that can be cancelled together with the triggered one. Step will list all ongoing subscriptions for the Person and all subscriptions where the Person is a payer as well.

The earliest cancellation date is calculated for all subscriptions in the step based on the main subscription.
Date for additional component will always be same or later.

Cancellation date field - is enabled by role : SystemAccessRight.CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_DATE
Changing this date is equivalent to open a wizard at the date.

End date field - is enabled by Access Right Action : AccessRightAction.ADJUST_END
Changing this date is equivalent to terminating subscription at the date.

How the end date for each subscription is calculated

The subscription from which the wizard is launched will determine the end date for all subscriptions selected in the wizard, unless the other subscriptions has bound until or cancellation days that result in later dates only for them.


Subscription A : earliest end date +100 days
Subscription B : earliest end date +200 days

Case 1: Trigger wizard From Subscription A
Subscription A will be cancelled in 100 days
Subscription B will be cancelled in 200 days
Triggered subsc. ends earlier than others

Case 2: Trigger wizard from Subscription B
Subscription A will be cancelled in 200 days
Subscription B will be cancelled in 200 days
Triggered subsc. ends later than others

2 - Termination reasons

To see this step, setting : useSubscriptionTerminationConfirmation  has to be enabled and some Causes for cancellation has to be added to system

3 - Final payment

This step will be active only if there is something left to pay.

“Left to pay”  - will present amount that customer has to pay after termination.

There are three options :

  • Pay with Invoice 

  • Pay in Point of sale

  • Do not pay 

4 - Confirmation

This step represents the choices from previous steps. If the operator would like to change any data, it is possible to go back and provide those changes.




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