

Available languages

BRP is available in

  • English (US)

  • Swedish

  • Norwegian

  • Danish

  • Icelandic

  • Finnish

  • Spanish (latin America)

  • Bulgarian

  • Croatian (not Cloud UI)

  • Polish (not Cloud UI)

  • Thai (not Cloud UI)

Language used in the staff user interface (BRP Cloud)

Detected language

BRP will detect the language configured in the web browser. If it does not match any of the available languages, we fall back on English (US).


If the browser is set to French BRP Cloud will use English, since French is not available at this time.

Language picker

The user can also pick a language manually in the menu on the top right on the screen. The selected language is saved on the user, and will be used the next time, regardless of the language detected in the browser.

Translatable fields in BRP Configuration

For many of the things you configure in BRP Configuration, it is possible to add names and texts for specific languages, as well as a fall back which is used when there is not translation added for the language used.

Default name


Language used when communicating with customers

The setting “language” is used when information is sent to the customer without the user having a chance to select the language. For example when sending out the email confirmation when cancelling a subscription.

Language used in mobility (app and web for customers)

Detected language

  • The BRP app (Go Active) will detect and use the language used by the phone. If the language is not available, English is used.

  • The BRP web will detect and use the language configured in the browser. If the language is not available, English is used.


  • If the device or browser language is set to one of the following Spanish languages, it will fallback to Spanish (Latin America) -es-419:

    • Spanish (US) - es-US

    • Spanish (Colombia) - es-CO

    • Spanish (Venezuela) - es-VE

    • Spanish (Mexico) - es-MX