Account and Security

Account and Security

Account and Security

This screen allows the user to change the email address and the password that are related to the logged-in user account. Additionally, ‘Delete Account’ option will also be available.





Delete Account

‘Delete Account’ is the account anonymization process. Required by Apple & Google to publish apps in the App Store and Play Store.


  • This feature is implemented to provide account delete options  for users from the front-end side.But users can only do a soft delete and tag the user as anonymized which will not prevent the user from accessing the app until the account is deleted from the back-end.


User can access the Account and Security page from Profile > Menu -> Account and security

When a user requested to delete the account app will show a confirm modal which includes the consequence of  delete action and proper leaving message.

After users successfully complete the action app shows a proper success message. But if the action cannot be completed due to any reason, app will show an error message which can be a following error return from the backend API.


Settings Used

This setting enables anonymize account option for customers from the mobility side.

After the user account is deleted by the scheduler job, Emails configured in this setting are used to notify system administrators.

Unable to delete account - Error Messages


API3 Error code

Error message


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person is an employee


Person could not be marked for anonymization.

The person has a debt: -600.00


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person has unpaid invoices


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person has upcoming or ongoing bookings


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person has un debited bookings


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The customer has active subscriptions Månadskort AG, debited until 30/04/2114


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The customer has valid value cards.


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person is exempt from anonymization


Person could not be marked for anonymization. Person has a resource connection


Person could not be marked for anonymization. The person is an API integrator


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