Axis Video Surveillance Integration

Axis Video Surveillance Integration

This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.


The Axis video surveillance integration allows BRP to connect with Axis cameras for monitoring. This integration provides access to live and recorded events, as well as tools to manage and review surveillance activities directly from BRP.

Key features include:

  • Live video streaming from connected Axis cameras in BRP Back Office.

  • Detection-triggered events, including motion, audio, or other features supported by Axis cameras, are displayed in BRP Entrance View.

  • Possibility to connect cameras with gates and readers to associate video feeds with physical access points.

Use Cases

Axis cameras can enhance security and monitoring in various scenarios. Here are a few examples:

  • Reviewing Past Recordings: If an Axis camera is positioned at an entrance or gate, you can review previous recordings to investigate incidents, such as a member allowing unauthorized access.

  • Advanced Camera Features: Axis offers a variety of cameras with specialized capabilities, including motion detection and people counting. For instance, you could configure a camera to monitor a gate and trigger recordings if multiple people are detected passing through at the same time.

  • Gate Tampering Detection: Certain Axis cameras can integrate with gate sensors to detect tampering attempts, such as someone forcing their way through or climbing over the gate. If such an incident occurs, a surveillance event would be logged in BRP.

These are just some examples that highlight the flexibility of integrating Axis cameras with BRP. Contact Axis for more information regarding their products and functions.


To use the Axis video surveillance integration, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Axis Camera Station & Cameras

    • BRP do not sell or provide installation/support of Axis products. Contact Axis for help regarding this.

    • Port forwards in your router/firewall to open access for BRP to Axis Camera Station.

  • Axis Camera Storage

    • BRP can only retrieve videos that are still stored on the Axis system. However, Axis has many different options for storing recorded material.


If you are interested in integrating your Axis cameras to BRP, send a configuration request to our support here.


BRP Configuration > Staff and resources > Roles

Enable these rights on the roles of those who should be able to view live and recorded material:

  • Module - BRP Back Office

  • Module - BRP Entrance View

Note! These rights will give the staff permission to use other functions in Back Office and Entrance View.


Enable this right on the roles of those who will configure or make changes to Video Surveillance:

  • Video Surveillance

Use Flow

Live Video Streaming

  • Access live video from a camera by navigating to BRP Back Office > Admittance > Surveillance event. Select a camera and click the “View live” button.


Detection-triggered Events

Entrance View

  • When something is detected by an Axis camera, an event is triggered and logged in BRP Entrance View. What the camera should look for depends on the camera and its functions/settings. This can be motion or audio detection for example.

  • Click on the camera symbol to the right of an event to view the recorded material.

  • Once you have viewed the recording, you will be asked if you want to mark the event as handled. If you click on OK, the event will be removed from Entrance View but it will still be found in Back Office.

Back Office

  • Any recorded events can also be found in BRP Back Office > Admittance > Surveillance events, even if they have been marked as “handled” in Entrance View. From there, it is possible to search on date interval, facility and specific cameras. The event will always be found, but the recorded material can only be viewed in BRP if it’s still stored in the Axis program.

Dashboard Widget

There is a Dashboard widget to quickly access all surveillance events on the current day. The widget name is “Surveillance events today”. Read more here: https://brpsystems.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BQAA_w


  • Video Storage and Retrieval

    • BRP relies on the Axis system for video storage. If a video is deleted or overwritten in Axis, it will no longer be accessible from BRP.

  • Saving Videos

    • Videos cannot be downloaded or saved directly from BRP. To save a recording, users must access the Axis camera station and save it from there.

  • Camera Settings

    • Camera and recording settings should be configured within the Axis system, as these are not adjustable via BRP.

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