Send email notification to participant before class
BRP Cloud version: 2022.1405 (TP43181)
Send participant notification that is the same for all classes, like the PIN code for the door.
Send participant a class specific notification, like the link to a video meeting.
Configuration on product
Choose if notifications should be sent to the participants before the class (default false)
Choose how many minutes before the class the notification should be sent
Message template
Used if no custom message is added to a planned class.
Configuration > Settings > Messages
"Notification send to particular participants before the class start" (only the body of the message template is used - not the subject)
Configuration on a planned class
If the property “Send notification to participants before class” is enabled for the class product, the “Notification” tab will show on the planned class.
If no “Customized message” is entered, a notification will be sent based on the message template.
You can on each class see when notifications will be sent
If the number of minutes before a class a notification is sent out is changed on the product, the notifications on app planned classes is updated.
One hour before every class, we want to send out an email with the PIN code for the door which changes every week
Enable notification on the class products
Plan classes
Make the current PIN code part of the message template and then change it every week
Don’t use a customized message on each class. This way, the current PIN code from the message template will be sent out ahead of the class, even though it has changed since the class was planned.
Two hours before every class, we want to sent out a unique zoom link for participation from home
Enable notification on the class products
Plan classes
Add custom messages to each class with the unique zoom link. The message template is not used.
Activate scheduler: Notify booking before class start