Apply classes

Apply classes

When all classes are filled with rooms and instructors (see Assign instructors ) it's time to create class bookings for those classes.

Proper access role should be set for a responsible person who is in charge of applying classes (see Access rights and settings )

Check if valid for apply will check possible clashes with existing service bookings for instructors. If there will be found clashes, warning, dialog will be shown.

It is still possible to create classes with clashing or it is possible to handle clashes in resource planner.

When applying classes you get the option to remove any classes without participants that are already planned on the facility within the class schedule period. Use this functionality with caution. It is useful for planning a special week within an already planned period, for example a special easter period within the spring period.

Apply classes button will create service bookings for planned period. There is possibility to send email notification to instructors if the proper Message templates - Class Manager is set

When mail is sent, instructors will receive next message :


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